Reminders about Isolation

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Isolation Precautions

Isolation precautions are necessary to keep you safe from contaminants, your other patients safe from potential infections, and your patients loved ones from spreading infections throughout the hospital.
Below are some quick reminders and updates on infection prevention policies and procedures!

1-  Anyone entering an isolation room must wear PPE if they are going to touch the patient.

2-Staff and Family should ALWAYS change your mask when you are leaving a Contact, Droplet and Airborne precautions room.

3- If you know you're admitting isolation patients, try to get unnecessary supplies out of the room.


This sign will now be attached to the door of isolation patients, alerting family members to pause before entering the room, and clarify the rules on PPE with the nurse.
What type of PPE do you need?
How does this apply to visitors?

- CONTACT: PPE is required if the family member is going to participate in any patient care (will they be touching the patient)?
- DROPLET: Everyone entering the room must wear a surgical mask.
- AIRBORNE: A surgical mask is worn and time is limited in the room.

** Below are links to VUMC PolicyTech, in order as listed above**

When you are hanging yellow bags and setting up signage, make sure people can SEE the door signage as well as the PPE! This keeps everyone on the same page regarding requirements for donning/doffing.
While this practice is not new, historically the policy has been inconsistently implemented. There are some complicated infections floating around the unit, and application of appropriate PPE standards can help prevent any spreading or multiplying.

This information is to serve as a reminder, and clarify the narrative, so we can ensure best practice is being used within the CVICU!

If you have questions, concerns or comments please reach out to any member of the leadership team. Thank you! 
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