
New Staff Orientation (All Aboard)

New Staff Orientation (VUMC) is typically held on Mondays, and you should receive information from Human Resources about your orientation date and time. Portions of orientation will take place online, while others, such as All Aboard, will take place in person.

All Aboard is hosted by the Occupational Health Clinic (OHC) as part of your orientation. You will have the opportunity to complete your Occupational Health screening and receive any required immunizations during All Aboard. You should attend All Aboard on your start date or on the Monday following your start date.

All Aboard is held in Light Hall, Room 410.  If you need to visit the Occupational Health Clinic, you may walk-in to our VUMC Main Campus location at the Medical Arts Building, Suite 640 (1211 21st Avenue South, Nashville). Clinic hours are 7:00 am – 4:30 pm Monday through Friday.

When you attend ALL ABOARD as part of your orientation, you will park in the same area as where you are directed to park for orientation.

    • If you have health records that meet VUMC's health screening and immunization requirements, use the New Employee Upload to submit your records to OHC.
    • Accepted immunization documentation includes:
      • Varicella: 2 doses of vaccine: 1st dose must be after 1st birthday and 2nd dose should be at least 28 days from 1st dose; OR lab evidence of varicella immunity.
      • MMR: 2 doses of MMR vaccine: 1st dose must be after 1st birthday and 2nd dose should be at least 28 days from 1st dose; OR lab evidence of measles, mumps, rubella immunities.
      • 2 TB skin tests within 12 months of start date & most recent within 3 months of start date OR TB blood test within 3 months of start date. Individuals with confirmed positive TB tests will need a chest x-ray within 6 months of your hire date.
      • If there is the potential to encounter blood or body fluids as part of employment: completed series of hepatitis B OR signed declination form.
      • Required if employed in a pediatric, women's health, or emergency department:  Tdap as adolescent/adult
      • Required annually by December 1 or as designated by VUMC if date adjusted:  flu vaccine or approved exemption
    • If you are unable to upload your health records, bring them with you to All Aboard and one of our Occupational Health nurses will review them in person.
    • You will receive, at no charge, protective health services that are required before you start your job.
    1. You will receive, at no charge, protective health services that are required before you start your job.
    2. Arrive & Check In - Our greeter will advise you of what stations you need to visit.
    3. Visit the Health & Wellness stations to obtain your All Aboard new hire protective health services:
      1. Health Plus – Know Your "Healthy" Numbers: A representative will measure and record your blood pressure, height, weight, and Body Mass Index. Know Your Numbers information will help you get a jump start on your Health Risk Assessment (HRA). The HRA is the first step in Go for the Gold, our award-winning health promotion incentive program. You can earn up to $240 on your health insurance account by completing all three steps.
      2. Occupational Health Interview: An OHC nurse will review your health records (either uploaded or those you brought to All Aboard) and will discuss any services you may need or answer questions about the health screening.
      3. Occupational Health Injection Nurse: Our expert nurses will provide any needed immunizations or TB test.
      4. Blood Draw: Most people will stop here to have blood drawn to check varicella (chickenpox) immunity or other blood screening tests you may need. If you have a record of your immunity test or vaccination, there's no need to have this done. Upload that record or bring it with you to event.
      5. Check Out - After you complete your required health services and learn about your other benefits available, you will visit the check-out table.
    4. TB Skin Test Follow-Up: TB skin tests placed at an All Aboard event must be read 2-3 days after placement. Any physician, nurse practitioner, or TB designee can read your TB skin test. If you do not have access to someone who is qualified to read your skin test, come to the Occupational Health Clinic.
    5. Vaccination Follow-up: Some vaccines may need additional doses to complete the series. Please come to the Occupational Health Clinic to receive subsequent doses.
  • If you cannot attend All Aboard on your orientation day, you may visit the Occupational Health Clinic as a walk-in patient (no appointment needed) or call the Occupational Health Clinic at 615-936-0955 to schedule an appointment for a time that is convenient for you. If you have records that have not been uploaded, bring them with you.

    The Occupational Health Clinic is located in Suite 640 of the Medical Arts Building. Clinic hours are Monday-Friday, 7:00 am – 4:30 pm.

    Questions? Call the Occupational Health Clinic at 615-936-0955.

Contact Us

Vanderbilt Health & Wellness - 615-936-0961
Occupational Health Clinic - 615-936-0955
Work/Life Connections-EAP - 615-936-1327
Health Plus - 615-343-8943 (Leave message and Health Plus will call you back).

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