Active | Active | Active employee |
Inactive | Inactive | Employee who no longer works at VUMC |
On Leave | On Leave | Employee out on leave of absence |
Not in VUMC Workday Data File | Not in VUMC Workday Data File | When OHIS has a record that disappear from VUMC workday data file, OHIS assigns this status. Example: 1. Record has a change of hire date in Workday to a later date (will change to back to Active when it is once again in data file). 2. Record is deleted from Workday due to data entry error. 3. At Workday go-live, each person in the file had only one record. If OHIS had a second or more record remaining from PeopleSoft, the status was changed to this since the record(s) were no longer in the Workday data file. |
A | Active | Active employee. This was a value in OHIS prior to WorkDay. All "A" converted to "Active" at Workday go-live. |
L | Leave of Absence | Employee out on Leave of Absence (unpaid). This was a value in OHIS prior to WorkDay. All "L" converted to "On Leave" at Workday go-live. |
P | Leave With Pay | Employee out on Leave With Pay. This was a value in OHIS prior to WorkDay. All "P" converted to "On Leave" at Workday go-live. |
D | Deceased | Deceased employee (died while employed). This was a value from PeopleSoft without an equivalent in Workday. |
R | Retired | Retired employee. This was a value from PeopleSoft without an equivalent in Workday. |
T | Terminated | Terminated employee.This was a value in OHIS prior to WorkDay. All "T" with a date in the 7 years prior to Workday go-live converted to Inactive" at Workday go-live. Records older than 7 years prior to Workday go-live reamain as "T." |
I | Inactive | Used on records that are not directly from VUMC or VU HR but eligible for OHC service(s) for a limited time. For example; VU students are adding during Flulapalooza, then inactive after Flulapalooza is over. |
M | Manually Merged Employee | This can happened automatically or manually. 1. Automatically. When a temporary, manually created record (Emp ID begin with OH) mergec with real VUMC record (matching by SSN), the status of OH changes to manually merged. (Note: VU records will not automatically merge since we do not have SSN on these.) 2. Manually. If OH record and real HR record don't have matching SSN, OH record status can be edit to "manually merged employee". This should be done after immunization record has been transferred to the real HR record. |
Z | No Longer in PS Feed | When a record disappears from PeopleSoft system and view, OHIS assigns Z status. Example: 1. Record is deleted from PeopleSoft due to data entry error. 2. When VUMC/VU split, all VU employees moved to VU HR system and the VU PeopelSoft records were removed from the PeopelSoft view.. |
Y | Not in Revised VU Data File | OHIS implemented a new method of getting data from VU HR in December 2021. Records that OHIS does not received in the first VU HR file will have a status of Y. Record with status Y can means terminated or in an assignment category no longer eligible for H&W services. |
E | Extra | Records with E status do not appear in OHIS. They will only appear in some BO report. Records with status E signify duplicate VU records that do not belong in OHIS; only one of each duplicate is retained for visibility in OHIS. |