Critical or very important requests should always be called into the Help Desk at 615-343-HELP (3-4357).
Submit a Pegasus Ticket to the Clinical Application Support Team (CAST) team.
Please provide the following information to expedite your issue:
- Name
- Phone Number
- Location nearest the device being reporting
- A brief description of your problem
(If you issue is with eStar, please contact your eStar Clinician Champion and Representative.)
More about CAST
If follow-up calls or escalations are necessary, please provide the service call ticket number when inquiring about the issue. Tickets will typically start with the letters: SD, IM or R0, followed by a series of numbers.
If the Clinical Application Support Team is unable to resolve your Pegasus submission, we will escalate your ticket to Incident-Level and assign it to the appropriate group.
Please keep the following in mind when you are reporting an issue:
- If the issue is patient-care related, the priority will be marked as High or Critical which will warrant a page alert to the workgroup.
- If the Incident is radiology-related, the priority will be marked as High which will page the workgroup.
- All other Incidents will be marked as low priority.