SAS Remote Code Execution Vulnerability (CVE-2021-44228)
CVE-2021-44228 is a remote code execution vulnerability in Apache Log4j.
SAS 9.4 is vulnerable to CVE-2021-44228.
VUMC IT applied the necessary Security Update to address the Log4j vulnerability on the server.
End users access the SAS server through SAS Enterprise Guide, the PC interface, and through SAS Studio, the web interface. Enterprise Guide is not Java based and is not vulnerable to CVE-2021-44228.
Apache Log4j CVE-2021-44228 vulnerability in IBM SPSS Statistics
December 22, 2021
Posted in
IBM released Interim Fixes to address the Apache Log4j vulnerability in SPSS Statistics Premium versions 25, 26, 27 and 28.
See IBM's support article for more information.
Contact if you have questions.
Tableau Security Update 5
Tableau Software, LLC has released a product update for all impacted versions of Tableau products to address the Apache Log4j2 security vulnerabilities in CVE-2021-44228 and CVE-2021-45046.
Microsoft Home Use Program
May 18, 2021
Microsoft's Home Use Program allows VUMC employees to receive a 30% discount for Microsoft 365 Personal (originally $69.99) or Microsoft 365 Family (originally $99.99).
From April 23, 2021 through June 16, 2021, receive a 50% discount for the first 12 months. After 12 months, the discount reverts to 30%.
Find more information on the Software Store's website under Special Deals.
MATLAB Expo 2021
April 26, 2021
Posted in
DigiCert Scheduled Maintenance - Saturday, May 1, 2021, 10 PM - Midnight
DigiCert will perform scheduled maintenance on Saturday, May 1st, from 10 PM through midnight.
DigiCert is the certificate authority VUMC IT uses to create the SSL certificates we offer to the enterprise through the VUMC Software Store.
During the scheduled outage, the Software Store cannot order, renew or reissue SSL certificates.
Please schedule high-priority orders, renewals and reissues outside the maintenance window.
Prism Academy - Access through GraphPad Prism
Karen Montefiori
April 19, 2021
GraphPad Prism subscribers have free access to Prism Academy, the new GraphPad Prism Learning Center.
Access Prism Academy by upgrading your Prism software to the latest version. After you update, you will see a Prism Academy button on the welcome screen. This will take you directly to the courses.