Ten strategies for practicing Wi-Fi cybersecurity

October is cyber security awareness month Ten strategies for practicing Wi-Fi cybersecurity The use of public Wi-Fi has become a topic of concern for many people, especially those in the cybersecurity. There are Wi-Fi connections nearly everywhere now. Anyone with a phone, a computer, or other device has used this convenient tool because of its availability and ease-of-use. Our favorite restaurants, coffee shops, airports, and meeting places offer Wi-Fi hotspots.

Five ways to spot a phishing attempt

October is Cyber Security Awareness Month Five ways to spot a phishing attempt Someone at the Medical Center receives a phishing email nearly every day. An attacker falsely identifies himself or herself as a trustworthy source and tries to exploit someone with an email that directs them to a fake website; usually under the auspices of being from human resources or as an email update.

Protect yourself against cyber threats

Attend the Cyber Security Town Hall October is Cyber Security Awareness Month. The VUMC IT Cyber Security Town Hall on Oct. 5 in Light Hall (Room 208) from 10:00 to 11:30 a.m. will include many topics you can use to stop cyber threats both personally and at work. Agenda items include: