
The Vanderbilt University Medical Center (VUMC) Office of Research endorses the VUMC Compliance Program and its commitment to the highest standards of ethical and legal conduct. Our goal is to accomplish our mission of education, research, patient care, and public service with excellence, integrity and responsibility.

Compliance is vital, and we are committed to the responsible conduct of research and the accurate and complete documentation of research. Vanderbilt has adopted policies and procedures designed to encourage compliance by providing support, training and educational resources to its faculty and staff.

To further its commitment to appropriate conduct, Vanderbilt has policies and procedures to address research compliance, including protection from retaliation for individuals who report any known or suspected violations in good faith. Vanderbilt encourages all faculty and staff to report any noncompliance or violation of law or policy including false claims for payment of government funds. It is the duty of all faculty and staff to report Vanderbilt job-related criminal conduct of which they have actual knowledge or Vanderbilt job-related situations that endanger the health and safety of any individual.

Compliance concerns may be reported:

  • Directly to a supervisor, a department head, chairperson or to the office charged with the responsibility for ensuring compliance with a specific policy;
  • To the Medical Center Compliance Officer at (615) 343-7266;
  • To VUMC’s independent confidential reporting service, Navex EthicsPoint. This service is available for reporting a concern anonymously, 24 hours/7 days a week. Call toll free at 1-866-783-2287, or file a report online at