Research Security Program

Vanderbilt University Medical Center (VUMC) is committed to fostering a collaborative learning environment of open scientific research, the intellectual exchange of ideas, and international academic research collaborations and engagement. VUMC is also committed to ensuring the security of this research, in partnership with federal research agencies.

National Security Presidential Memorandum (NSPM)-33 outlines a federal research security policy intended to protect U.S. government-supported research and development against foreign government interference and exploitation. VUMC maintains a robust research security program that complies with NSPM-33 and related guidance from the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy and federal funding agencies including NIH and NSF.

Click the icons below to learn more about key elements of VUMC's research security program. 

Direct questions to VUMC's Research Security point of contact: Susan Meyn, Associate Vice President for Research Resources ( or  615-322-0470)