Internal Funding at VUMC


This page is updated weekly. Check back soon for new internal funding opportunities.

Vanderbilt Faculty Research Scholars Program

Surveys of Intent due January 15

Faculty scholars are competitively selected across all disciplines and degree types for merit and innovation of their science. Stepping stone to NIH/CTSA KL2 career development award and/or individual K. Weekly work-in-progress supplements mentored training.

Scholars who apply to VFRS may be considered for other K12 programs if their work fits a program’s focus and requirements. Applications are ranked by the selection committee in March and scholars are seated on a rolling basis as current scholars receive extramural awards and come off the program.

With your chair’s permission, any faculty researcher who has not already received a career development or large independent (R01 or equivalent) award may be considered for the Scholars Program. Projects may be basic, translational, or clinical research. Applicants may be from VU, VUMC, or Meharry Medical College.

Key Dates:

  • Survey of Intent due January 15. Once your department chair approves, email the program manager to request a survey. Complete and submit this no later than January 16, 5:00 PM Central Time.
  • Application Package due February 17. Applications must be received by 5:00 PM Central Time.

Learn more and apply here:…


Crowd Funding

The Office of Research partners with the VUMC Development team to support investigator crowdfunding efforts.
Download the guidelines for more information about VUMC's application process for crowdfunding of research projects.
Click here to submit an application for research project approval.

Bridge & Realignment Funding

VUMC departments: 

Bridge and Realignment funding applications are reviewed three times per year, generally January, May, and September.

For information about the Bridge & Realignment funding program, download the VUMC Bridge Funding guidelines (VUnet login required). Please direct any questions about VUMC bridge funding to Susan Meyn in the Office of Research:

VU Basic Sciences Division of the SOM:

Please review information posted here:

VICTR StarBRITE Funding for Clinical and Translational Research

Visit the StarBRITE webpage (VUnet login required): 

Seasonal Internal Funding Opportunities

  • $25,000 – $50,000/year for one year
    Vanderbilt-Ingram Cancer Center regularly solicits applications for pilot funding to support basic, translational, clinical or collaborative cancer research. Pilot funds allow investigators to collect preliminary data to support an application for independent research support through extramural, peer-reviewed funding.

    Funding opportunities are provided through the following sources:

    Cancer Center Support Grant (CCSG) [Cancer Center members only]
    American Cancer Society - Institutional Research Grant (IRG) [junior investigators only]
    SPORE (Specialized Program of Research Excellence) in GI Cancer: Pilot Projects
    SPORE (Specialized Program of Research Excellence) in Breast Cancer: Pilot Projects

    Calls for proposals are distributed throughout the year by email, online, and in campus publications. Award amounts and submission deadlines vary.

    For more information about the above opportunities, please visit the Cancer Center’s Funding Opportunities page, or email

  • The National Cancer Institute has awarded Vanderbilt a $4.4 million, five-year grant to fund training for senior fellows and junior faculty for careers in cancer-oriented research. This is a renewal of a current grant program. The goal of the Vanderbilt Clinical Oncology Research Career Development Program is to train skilled clinician scientists who can design and implement clinical oncology trial research and lead translational research projects.

    Estimated application period: Yearly in February


    Contact: Dr. Kim Rathmell,   

  • Applications are solicited for pilot projects to conduct basic, translational, clinical or collaborative research relating to digestive diseases. Applications will be considered in all areas of digestive disease research. Funds will support focused projects from individual investigators and are intended to provide support to collect preliminary data sufficient to support an application for independent research support through traditional NIH mechanisms. Funded projects will be made for one year for approximately $40,000.  There will be an opportunity to apply for a competitive renewal for a second year of funding for an additional $40,000.

    For additional information please visit the DDRC website.  

  • Exceptional applicants at the junior faculty level with a high likelihood for progression to extramural funding and a successful career in investigative gastroenterology are eligible to be named as a DDRC Young Investigator. The Young Investigator will be awarded $25,000 annual salary support for a 12-24 month period.

    For additional information please visit the DDRC website.  

  • This competition is open to Vanderbilt Kennedy Center faculty Investigators or Members for conducting pilot projects consistent with the mission of the Vanderbilt Kennedy Center. The Kennedy Center’s mission is to conduct and support collaborative research that investigates fundamental mechanisms of behavioral, cognitive, and brain development and plasticity relevant to developmental disabilities, across the lifespan. The Vanderbilt Kennedy Center’s aims are to better understand children’s development, to prevent and solve developmental problems, and to enable people with developmental disabilities to lead better lives. Due dates for submissions: annually in August

  • The Vanderbilt Diabetes Center, the Vanderbilt Diabetes Research and Training Center (DRTC), and the Vanderbilt Center for Diabetes Translation Research (CDTR) announce the availability of Pilot and Feasibility Grants in the following areas:


    Translational or behavioral science research (Type II translational research) related to diabetes or obesity; this grant mechanism is open to junior faculty members, investigators from other fields wishing to bring their expertise to diabetes- or obesity-related research, and investigators currently conducting diabetes-related research who are proposing a new research direction.  For the purpose of this announcement, Type II translation is defined as research focused on translating interventions/ approaches that have clearly demonstrated efficacy into real world health care settings, communities, and populations at risk.

    Click here for translational or behavioral science P&F website


    Basic or clinical research related to diabetes, metabolism, or obesity; this grant mechanism is open to junior faculty members, investigators from other fields wishing to bring their expertise to diabetes- or obesity-related research, and investigators currently conducting diabetes-related research who are proposing a new research direction.

    Click here for basic or clinical research P&F website


    Diabetes- or obesity-related pilot studies that utilize one of these Vanderbilt resources: VICB High-Throughput Screening Facility, BioVU, or the Mass Spectrometry Research Center; this grant mechanism is open to any Vanderbilt faculty member.

    Click here for high-throughput screening, BioVu or Mass Spec P&F website


    The deadline for application for all three types of Pilot and Feasibility Grants is typically in January each year.