Honors and Awards

Honors and Awards

  • 2021

    Laveil Allen, MD; Erin Cooke, MD; and Colin McKnight, MD, were selected to participate in the 2021-2022 AUR/APDR Radiology Career Advancement Lectureship Program (RCLAP), June 2021.

    Adam Guttentag, MD, was named a Fellow of the American College of Radiology, May 2021. Read More

    Reed Omary, MD, MS, was inducted into the College of Fellows of the Association of University Radiologists, May 2021. Read More

    Matthew Smith, MD, PhD, was selected to participate in the 2021 ACR-AUR Research Scholar Program and to present his abstract, "Pulmonary Perfusion Using Spectral Analysis of Fluoroscopic Signal," at the 69th Annual Meeting of the Association of University Radiologists (AUR), May 2021. 

    Cameron Henry, MD, was selected to participate in the AUR Radiology Resident Academic Leadership Development Program at the 2021 Annual Meeting of the AUR, April 2021.

    Matthew Smith, MD, PhD, received an honorable mention for his poster, "The Lung Pulse: Pulmonary Perfusion with Fluoroscopic Signal Using Fourier Analysis," at the 2021 VUMC GME Research Forum, April 2021.

    Kate Frederick-Dyer, MD, was awarded an American Roentgen Ray Society (ARRS) 2021 Certificate of Merit for her educational electronic exhibit, "Mechanisms of Spread of Hepatocellular Carcinoma," at the ARRS Scientific Program, March 2021. 

    Shuai Yuan, MD, and Tamarya Hoyt, MD, presented an abstract, "Which model is best? (Risk-assessment models, that is)," at the American Roentgen Ray Society 2021 Scientific Program, March 2021. 

    Jennifer Huang, MD, MEd, was awarded a Magna Cum Laude award for her scientific electronic exhibit abstract, "Diagnostic Yield of Non-Contrast Brain and Pituitary MRI for Pediatric Patients with Selected Pathologies," at the American Roentgen Ray Society 2021 Scientific Program, March 2021. 

    Reed Omary, MD, MS, was elected to the College of Fellows of the American Institute for Medical and Biological Engineering (AIMBE), February 2021. Read More

    Shelby Frantz, MD, was chosen as the recipient of the Society of Interventional Radiology Foundation Resident/Fellow Research Award for her abstract, "Demographics/Outcomes following Y90 of Hepatocellular Carcinoma at Transplant vs Non-transplant Centers: analysis of the Radiation-Emitting SIR-Spheres in Non-Resectable liver tumor (RESIN) Registry," January 2021.

    Filip Banovac, MD, was recently nominated for Vanderbilt's 2021 Advanced Practice Ambassador Award in recognition of his contributions and support to the NP service line, January 2021.


    Jennifer Huang, MD, MEd, was awarded a Cum Laude award for her educational exhibit, "A Systematic Approach to Evaluating Sellar and Suprasellar Masses in Pediatric Patients," at the Radiological Society of North America's Annual Meeting, December 2020.

    Hazel Asumu, MD, received Honorable Mention for her poster, "Identifying Primary Lesions by Transcervical POC Sonography in Patients W/ Oropharyngeal Cancer," at the Society of Radiologists in Ultrasound's 2020 Virtual Annual Meeting, October 2020.

    Daniel Brown, MD, and Cody Stothers, MSTP Student, were awarded an Editor's Medal by the Cardiovascular and Interventional Radiological Society of Europe (CIRSE) for its publication, "Radioembolization with 90Y Resin Microspheres of Neuroendocrine Liver Metastases: International Multicenter Study on Efficacy and Toxicity," in CardioVascular and Interventional Radiology, September 2020.

    Lucy Spalluto, MD, MPH, was awarded a Breast SPORE Developmental Research Program Award by Vanderbilt-Ingram Cancer Center, September 2020. Read More

    Daniel Brown, MD; Lea Matsuoka, MD; and Liping Du, PhD, were awarded 2nd Place Best Abstract for their project, "Incidence and Risk Factors for Sustained Hepatic Function Toxicity 6 Months after Y90 Radioembolization: Interim Analysis of the Radiation Emitting SIR-Spheres in Non-resectable (RESIN) Registry," at the Global Embolization Symposium and Technologies (GEST 2020), September 2020.

    Jennifer Huang, MD, MEd, was selected for RSNA’s Introduction to Academic Radiology Program, August 2020. Read More

    Todd Peterson, PhD, was inducted as a Fellow of the Society of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging, July 2020. Read More

    Courtney Tomblinson, MD, was named Contributing Editor, Social Media, for Radiographics, July 2020.

    Erica Emmons, MD, was selected as Radiology's House Staff Advisory Council Representative, July 2020.

    Jessica Miller, MD, PhD, was selected as Radiology Resident Representative for Graduate Medical Education Committee, July 2020.

    Steven Harris, MD, PhD, was named Radiology Senior Faculty Teacher of the Year, June 2020.

    Greg Hall, MD, was named Radiology Faculty Teacher of the Year, June 2020.

    Erik Landman, MD, was named Radiology Fellow Teacher of the Year, June 2020.

    Jennifer Huang, MD, MEd, was named Radiology Resident Teacher of the Year, June 2020.

    Cameron Henry, MD, was appointed to the the First Committee of the Society of Cardiovascular Computed Tomography, June 2020. Read More

    Matthew Smith, MD, PhD, was elected to the 2020 RSNA Radiographics physics review team, June 2020. 

    Courtney Tomblinson, MD, was selected to participate in VUSM's two-year Education Development Program (EDP) as an EDP Scholar, June 2020. 

    Andrea Birch, MD, and Edwin Donnelly, MD, PhD, were inducted as fellows of the American College of Radiology, May 2020. 

    Asha Sarma, MD, was awarded the John Caffey Award for Best Case Report Poster for "Duplication of the Pituitary Gland-plus Syndrome - New Case Report of a Severe Phenotype" at the Society for Pediatric Radiology's Annual Meeting, May 2020. 

    Casey Cable, MD; Alan North, MD; Reza Imani-Shikhabadi, MD; Elizabeth Hevert, MD; Jennifer Baker, MSN, APRN-BC; Anthony Borgmann, MD; Filip Banovac, MD; and Daniel Brown, MD; co-authored "Combining neutrophil-lymphocyte ratio (NLR) with serum albumin and bilirubin (NALBI) is superior to calculated albumin/bilirubin (ALBI) grade in predicting overall survival (OS) and progression-free survival (PFS) following chemoembolization (TACE) of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC)," which was awarded "Best Poster for SIR 2020" at the Society of Interventional Radiology's virtual Annual Meeting, May 2020. 

    Junzhong Xu, PhD, was selected to participate in the European Molecular Biology Organization's Laboratory Leadership Course, May 2020. 

    Lori Deitte, MD, was elected as an inaugural Fellow of the Association of University Radiologists, May 2020. Read More 

    Victoria Morgan, PhD, and Todd Peterson, PhD, were elected to the American Institute for Medical and Biological Engineering College of Fellows, Class of 2020, March 2020. Read More

    Sandeep Arora, MBBS, was awarded the Society of Abdominal Radiology's (SAR) Roscoe E. Miller Best Overall Scientific Presentation Award for "Pivotal Study of MRI-guided Transurethral Ultrasound Ablation (TULSA) in Men with Localized Prostate Cancer" at the SAR Annual Scientific Meeting and Education Course, March 2020.

    Bill Winter, MD, MS, was awarded an in-training scholarship to attend the Global Embolization Symposium and Technologies (GEST 2020), May 2020. 

    Kristin O'Grady, PhD, was selected for the 2020 class of the Council of Early Career Investigators in Imaging (CECI2), February 2020. Read More

    Kim Sandler, MD, was awarded the 2020 Vanderbilt Advanced Practice Ambassador award. 


    Lori Deitte, MD, and co-authors, were awarded the Journal of the American College of Radiology (JACR) Best of 2019 award for "Invasive Procedural Versus Diagnostic Imaging and Clinical Services Rendered by Radiology Trainees Over Two Decades" in the Training and Education category. Read Article

    Kristin O'Grady, PhD, was selected for RSNA’s Introduction to Academic Radiology for Scientists (ITARSc) Program. Read More

    Rachelle Crescenzi, PhD, was selected for the 2019 class of the Council of Early Career Investigators in Imaging, CECI2. Read More

    Cara Connolly, MD, appointed to the American Association for Women Radiologists (AAWR) Member-in-Training Committee. Read More

    Hazel Asumu, MD, was selected for RSNA’s Introduction to Academic Radiology Program. Read More

    Reed Omary, MD, was named Vanderbilt Medical Group's Board Chair-elect. 

    Daniel Gochberg, PhD, and Wellington Pham, PhD, were elected to the Academy for Radiology & Biomedical Imaging Research's Council of Distinguished Investigators. Read More

    Lucy Spalluto, MD, was selected for the 2019-20 SCARD-GE Leading Empowering and Disrupting (LEAD) Program. 

    Courtney Tomblinson, MD, was awarded the ASNR's Outstanding Presentation Award in Head and Neck Neuroradiology at the annual meeting, May 2019.

    Kim Sandler, MD, was awarded the Gold-merit Abstract Award for Quality and Safety at the 2019 American College of Radiology (ACR) annual meeting, May 2019. 

    Reed Omary, MD, MS, was named co-recipient of the Geoffrey David Chazen Award by the Vanderbilt Academy for Excellence in Education. Read More

    John Gore, PhD, was elected to the 2019 Class of Fellows of the International Academy of Medical and Biological Engineering. 

    Hazel Asumu, MD, was selected to the American Roentgen Ray Society (ARRS) Resident Advisory Subcommittee.  

    Jacob Houghton, PhD, received a three-year Career Development Award from the Congressionally Directed Medical Research Program for his project titled "Development of a Novel Platform for In Vivo Delivery of Antagomirs to Study Cetuximab Resistance in Colorectal Cancer."

    Karthik Sundaram, MD, PhD, was elected to the Vanderbilt University School of Medicine Chapter of Alpha Omega Alpha Honor Medical Society. Read More

    Casey Cable, MD, was selected as a 2019 Global Embolization Symposium and Technologies (GEST) Resident Scholar. Read More

    James Patton, PhD, was awarded Lifetime Achievement Award by theNuclear Medicine Technologies of Tennessee (NMTT) during the 2019 annual meeting, February 2019. Read More

    Marta Hernanz-Schulman, MD, was named a 2019 Society for Pediatric Radiology (SPR) Gold Medalist. Read More


    Seth Smith, PhD, was awarded a 2018 Distinguished Investigator Award by the Academy for Radiology and Biomedical Imaging Research (ARR) at the 2018 Radiological Society of North America (RSNA) Annual Meeting, November 2018. Read More

    Rochelle Andreotti, MD, was awarded a Certificate of Merit award for educational exhibit "The ACR Ovarian-Adnexal Reporting and Data System (ORADS): An US Lexicon Training and Testing Module"  at the 2018 Radiological Society of North America (RSNA) Annual Meeting, November 2018. Read More

    Virgina Planz, MD, was awarded Certificate of Merits awards for educational exhibits "Multi-modality Imaging of Gynecologic Malignancy: What the Radiation Oncologist Needs to Know" and "An Illustrated Guide to Obstetrical & Gynecologic Surgical Procedures for Radiologists" at the 2018 Radiological Society of North America (RSNA) Annual Meeting, November 2018. Read More

    Courtney Tomblinson, MD, was awarded the Best Paper award for "Uncommon Lesions of the Head and Neck: Non-Thyroid, Non-Nodal Masses" at the Southeastern Neuroradiological Society Annual Meeting, October 2018. 

    Cari Motuzas, MD, was selected to participate in VUMC's 2019 Mid-Career Leadership Development Program. 

    Ryan Adams, MD, was selected to participate in the Introduction to Academic Radiology (ITAR) Program at Radiological Society of North America’s (RSNA) Scientific Assembly and Annual Meeting, November 2018. Read More

    Kevin Taylor, MD, was awarded the 2018 Dr. Levi Watkins Jr. House Officer Award for his outstanding contributions to the institution in fostering opportunities for underrepresented minorities, October 2018. Read More 

    Arthur Fleischer, MD, was awarded the Larry Mack, MD Lifetime Achievement Award from the Society of Radiologists in Ultrasound, October 2018. Read More

    Bill Martin, MD, was awarded the Southeastern Chapter of the Society of Nuclear Medicine (SECSNM) Marshall Brucer Award, October 2018. 

    Courtney Raybon, MD, and Courtney Tomblinson, MD, received member-in-training travel stipends to attend the 2018 Radiological Society of North America (RSNA) Scientific Assembly and Annual Meeting. Read More

    Ryan Adams, MD, Casey Cable, MD, Daniel Holzwanger, MD, and Reza Imani-Shikhabadi, MD, received travel scholarships to attend the 5th Annual Symposium on Academic Interventional Radiology (AIR), September 2018. Read More

    Courtney Tomblinson, MD, named the ACR Valerie P. Jackson fellow, August 2018. Read More

    Sumit Pruthi, MBBS, received a Certificate of Appreciation for Excellence in Radiology in Reviewing Manuscripts in Pediatric Radiology from the Society for Pediatric Radiology Publications Committee and Editorial Office. 

    Sumit Pruthi, MBBS, received a Certificate of Appreciation for volunteer service for the American College of Radiology, July 2018. 

    Aaron Brill, MD, PhD, named as fellow of the Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging, June 2018.

    LeAnn Shannon, MD, received an American Roentgen Ray Society (ARRS) 2018 Certificate of Merit for her educational exhibit “Histoplasmosis in the 21st century: new concepts in epidemiology, imaging, diagnosis, and therapy.”

    Josephine Ndolo, MBChB, received an American Roentgen Ray Society (ARRS) 2018 Certificate of Merit for her abstract, “Magnetic Resonance Imaging of the Brainstem and Associated Congenital Abnormalities.”

    Vicky Morgan, PhD, and Baxter Rogers, PhD, received Magna Cum Laude award at the 2018 International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM) conference, June 2018. 

    Charles Caskey, PhD, received the International Society of Therapeutic Ultrasound’s (ISTU) Frederic Lizzi Early Career Award at the 18th International Symposium for Therapeutic Ultrasound, May 2018. 

    Seth Smith, PhD, was elected a Distinguished Investigator of the Academy of Radiology Research, and will be officially inducted during the Radiological Society of North America annual meeting, November 2018. 

    Martin Jordanov, MD, was awarded the 2018 Vanderbilt University School of Medicine Immersion Teaching Award (May 2018). Read More

    Courtney Raybon, MD, and Noran Taylor, MD, were accepted to the WCIO Fellow and Resident-in-training Annual Meeting Scholarship program by the Society of Interventional Oncology (SIO). Read More

    Adam Guttentag, MD, and LeAnn Shannon, MD, were awarded an ARRS 2018 Certificate of Merit for this year's American Roentgen Ray Society's Scientific Program. They will present the electronic exhibit and oral presentation during the annual meeting (April 2018). 


    Eduard Y. Chekmenev, PhD, and Victoria L. Morgan, PhD, were rewarded the Academy's 2017 Distinguished Investigator Award and inducted into the Academy Distinguished Investigator Council at the RSNA annual meeting (November 2017). Read More

    Aditi Desai, MD, was awarded the RSNA 2017 Student Travel Award. 

    Yu Luo, MD, was awarded first and third place for Best Photo and second place for Radiology Art for RSNA Photo Contest (November 2017). 

    Meaghan Magarik, MD, PhD, was awarded the Pediatric Best Case Award at the American College of Radiology’s American Institute for Radiologic Pathology (AIRP) course in Washington, D.C (October 2017). Read More

    Stephanie Spottswood, MD, MSPH, was awarded the 2017 Dr. Levi Watkins Jr. Faculty Award (October 2017) for her outstanding contributions to the institution in fostering opportunities for underrepresented minorities. Read More

    Daniel Brown, MD, J. Jeffrey Carr, MD, Jeffrey Creasy, MD, Lori Deitte, MD, Dominique Delbeke, MD, PhD, William Martin, MD, Steven Meranze, MD, and Ronald Walker, MD, named Best Doctors in America. Read More

    Erik Landman, MD, was awarded the Gastrointestinal Best Case Award at the American Institute of Radiologic Pathology (AIRP) conference for his presentation "Presacral Epidermoid Cyst" (August 2017). Read More

    Patrick Couture, MD, was selected for participation in the ACR Rutherford-Lavanty Fellowship in Government Relations and recipient of the Tennessee Radiological Society Dan Starnes Scholarship. Read More

    Eleby Washington, MD, was awarded the 2017 Best Presentation for the Resident and Fellow Oral Presentation at the National Medical Association Annual Convention and Scientific Assembly for his presentation entitled "Evaluation of Femoral Head Viability in the Post-Operative Pediatric Patient" (July 2017). Read More

    Sepideh Shokouhi, PhD, was awarded the 2017 Tracy Lynn Faber Memorial Award at the Society of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging Annual Meeting, June 2017.

    Reed Omary, MD, MS, and Martin Jordanov, MD, named as Favorite Faculty by the School of Medicine graduating class of 2017. 

    Reed Omary, MD, MS, and John Huff, MD, named as fellows of the American College of Radiology, May 2017.

    Karthik Sundaram, MD, PhD, was awarded second place for the Poster or Exhibit Trainee Prize at the 2017 AUR Awards Luncheon. Read More

    Lori Deitte, MD, was the recipient of the 2017 Geoffrey David Chazen Award for faculty at the annual dinner of the Vanderbilt Academy for Excellence in Education. Read More

    Manus Donahue, PhD, was named Vanderbilt University Mentor of the Year by the Office of Postdoctoral Affairs.

    Lucy B. Spalluto, MD, received the AUR's 2017 Joseph E. and Nancy O. Whitley Award, for the best paper on education in radiology. Read More


    Aashim Bhatia, MD, received the Certificate of Merit award for his education exhibit at RSNA annual meeting, November 2016. 

    Cari Motuzas, MD, was awarded a Certificate of Curriculum Designing at Gerald S. Gotterer Health Professions Education Research Day (HPERD) Educator Awards Recognition ceremony (December 2016). Read More

    Peter Bream, MD, was elected as a fellow in the Society of Interventional Radiology, 2016. Read More

    Lucy B. Spalluto, MD, was named Nashville's American Cancer Society's Best Dressed Ball Honoree (2016).

    Li Chen, MD, PhD, was named a Distinguished Investigator of the Academy of Radiology Research (October 2016). Read More

    Dominique Delbeke, MD, PhD, received the SNMMI’s Marshall Brucer Award at the Southeastern Chapter of the Society of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging (SEC) Annual Meeting (October 2016). 

    Dominique Delbeke, MD, PhD, received the Presidential Distinguished Educator award and the recognition award for Journal of Nuclear Medicine Editor-in-Chief (January 2012-December 2016) at the Society of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging annual meeting. 

    Lori Deitte, MD, (co-principal investigator) and Meaghan Magarik, MD, PhD, (co-investigator) awarded Vanderbilt University School of Medicine Faculty Fellowship to Advance Medical Education (FAME). Read More

    Martin Sandler, MBChB, and Dominique Delbeke, MD, PhD, named as fellows of the Society of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging. 

    Lori Deitte, MD, was inducted into the VU School of Medicine Academy of Excellence in Teaching.

    Aditi Desai, MD, received a 2016 Radiology Leadership Institute Summit scholarship. 

    Stephanie Spottswood, MD, MSPH, received 2016 Margaret Cuninggim Women's Center Mentoring Award. Read More

    Lucy B. Spalluto, MD, was named the 2016 recipient of the Early Career Faculty Professional Leadership Award by the American Association for Women Radiologists (AAWR). Read More


    Daniel Brown, MD, J. Jeffrey Carr, MD, Jeffrey Creasy, MD, Lori Deitte, MD, Dominique Delbeke, MD, PhD, William Martin, MD, Steven Meranze, MD, and LeAnn Stokes, MD, named Best Doctors in America. Read More

    John Gore, PhD, has been named a fellow of the National Academy of Inventors. Read More

    J. Jeffrey Carr, MD, received the 2015 Distinguished Investigator Award from the Academy of Radiology Research (ARR). Read More 

    Arthur Fleischer, MD, is the recipient of a Lifetime Service Award from the American Board of Radiology (ABR). Read More

    Lori Deitte, MD, received Florida Radiological Society Gold Medal Award. Read More

  • 2021

    John Gore, PhD, was awarded a grant from the National Institutes of Health Department of Health and Human Services for his project, "Upgrade and Refurbishment of a 7T MRI Scanner for Research."

    Todd Peterson, PhD, was awarded a grant from the National Institutes of Health Department of Health and Human Services for his project, "Automated Cassette-Based Radiosynthesis Equipment."

    Zhongliang Zu, PhD, was awarded funding for an R01 grant by the National Institute of Biomedical Imaging and Bioengineering (NIBIB) for his project, "Nuclear Overhauser enhancement (NOE) MR imaging of choline phospholipids and their metabolism." 

    Seth Smith, PhD, was awarded an R01 grant from the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS) for his project, "Evaluating Advanced Diffusion of the Human Spinal Cord: Application to MS."

    John Gore, PhD, and Junzhong Xu, PhD, were awarded a $1 million grant from the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative to develop "deep tissue" imaging methods. Read More

    Rachelle Crescenzi, PhD, received funding for an R01 from the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute for her project, "Imaging sodium and lymphatics in lymphedema." 


    John Gore, PhD, was awarded a one-year supplement award from the National Institute of Biomedical Imaging and Bioengineering to develop novel imaging methods for assessing microvascular changes in Alzheimer's Disease. 

    Li Min Chen, PhD, was awarded funding by the U.S. Department of Defense for her project, "Structural, Molecular, and Functional Imaging Biomarkers of Spinal Cord Contusion Injury and Recovery in Rats"

    Kristin O'Grady, PhD, was awarded a four-year K01 Mentored Research Scientist Career Development Award from the National Institutes of Health, National Institute of Biomedical Imaging and Bioengineering, for her grant titled, "Development of an Advanced MRI for the Thoracolumbar Spinal Cord for Clinical Application"

    Zhongliang Zu, PhD, was awarded a Small Research Grant by the National Institutes of Health, National Institute of Biomedical Imaging and Bioengineering, for his project, "Optimizing Glutamate Imaging using CEST MRI at 3T Clinical Scanners"

    Mohammed Tantawy, PhD, was awarded funding by the U.S. Department of Defense for his project, "Detection and Treatment of Ovarian Cancer by Targeting Tumor Extracellular Hydroxyapatite: A New Paradigm"

    Manus Donahue, PhD, was awarded funding by the National Institute on Aging for "Quantitative Imaging of Brain Glymphatic Function in Humans"

    John Gore, PhD, was awarded funding by the Office of the Director, National Institutes of Health, for "Upgrade of a 9.4T MRI Animal Scanner."

    John Gore, PhD, was awarded funding by the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke for "Biophysical basis of functional MRI of white matter."

    Wellington Pham, PhD, received the "Imaging" Trans-Institutional Program (TIPs) grant by the Vanderbilt Brain Institute.  

    Junzhong Xu, PhD, was awarded funding by the National Cancer Institute through University of Alabama-Birmingham for "Disposable Perfusion Phantom for Accurate DCE-MRI Measurement of Pancreatic Cancer Therapy Response."

    Charles Caskey, PhD, was awarded funding by the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke through the University of North Carolina for "A Fully Ultrasonic Approach for Combined Functional Imaging and Neuromodulation in Behaving Animals."


    Kim Sandler, MD, was awarded the Martineau Innovation Fund Grant by the Vanderbilt Thoracic Working Group for “Utilization of Machine Learning to Predict Incidence Lung Cancer in a Screening Population.” Read More

    Allen Newton, PhD, was awarded funding by the National Science Foundation through Vanderbilt University for "NeuroDataRR: Replication of Cortical Microstructure Correlations with Face and Object Recognition."

    Kim Sandler, MD, was awarded funding by the National Cancer Institute through the Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group for "ECOG-ACRIN Operations Center – Clinical Trials."

    Jacob Houghton, PhD, was awarded funding by DurgCendR for "Preparation and validation of CEND-1 PET ligand."

    Charles Caskey, PhD, Li Min Chen, MD, PhD, and John Gore, PhD, were awarded a grant by the National Institute of Biomedical Imaging and Bioengineering for "Development of an MRgFUS system for precision-targeted neuromodulation of pain circuits with simultaneous functional MRI." Read More

    Wellington Pham, PhD, was awarded a grant by the National Institute on Aging for "Validation of Retinal Abeta as a Potential Biomarker of Alzheimer's Disease."

    Rachelle Crescenzi, PhD, was awarded a grant by the American Heart Association for "Magnetic resonance imaging tools to explore lymphatic clearance of tissue sodium." Read More

    Jacob Houghton, PhD, was awarded a grant by the Department of Defense for "Development of a Novel Platform for in Vivo Delivery of Antagomirs to Study Cetuximab Resistance in Colorectal Cancer."

    Charles Manning, PhD, was awarded funding by GE Healthcare Limited for "Pre-clinical Proof of Concept Studies for the Development of a PET Tracer."

    Sandeep Arora, MBBS, was awarded a RSNA Research Scholar Grant for "Analyzing Immune Responses Generated by Transrectal and Transurethral Sono-Ablation of Prostate Cancer using Advanced Quantification Methods. Read More

    Charles Manning, PhD, was awarded funding by Dracen Pharmaceuticals for "Pharmacological Inhibitors of Cancer Metabolism."

    Bruce Damon, PhD, was awarded a grant by the National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases for "Development and Application of Muscle Diffusion Tensor MRI."

    Vicky Morgan, PhD, was awarded a grant by the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke for "MRI Connectivity Biomarkers of Treatment Response in Focal Epilepsy."


    Kim Sandler, MD, was awarded a Vanderbilt-Ingram Cancer Center (VICC) Ambassadors Discovery Grant in Cancer Research for “Saving Lives with Early Detection of Lung Cancer: Promoting Enrollment of Women Engaged in Breast Screening in a Lung Screening Program.” Read More

    Filip Banovac, MD, was awarded a grant by Guerbet for "Creation of an Enhanced Interventional Radiology Education Curriculum."

    J. Jeffrey Carr, MD, was awarded a grant by the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute through Brigham and Women's Hospital for "The Clinical Impact of Longitudinal Measures of Cardiac and Pulmonary Vascular Morphology in Smokers."

    Todd Peterson, PhD, was awarded a grant by the National Institute of Biomedical Imaging and Bioengineering for "Enabling Multi-Tracer SPECT Studies of the Human Brain."

    John Gore, PhD and Junzhong Xu, PhD, were awarded a grant by the National Cancer Institute for "MRI Diffusion in Tumors using Oscillating Gradients."

    Vicky Morgan, PhD, was awarded a grant by the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke for "The Role of Network Connectivity in Post-Surgical Seizure Recurrence in Temporal Lobe Epilepsy."

    Kim Sandler, MD, was awarded a Year-Three Pilot Project by The Precision Medicine and Health Disparities Collaborative (PMHDC) for their project "Improving lung cancer screening and biomarker clinical trial enrollment in underserved communities."

    Kim Sandler, MD, was awarded a grant by the Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute through Kaiser Permanente for "The Watch the Spot Trial: A Pragmatic Trial of more Versus less Intensive Strategies for Active Surveillance of Patients with Small Pulmonary Nodules."

    J. Jeffrey Carr, MD, was awarded a grant by the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute through the University of Pittsburgh for "Molecular Epidemiology of Aortic Diameter and Subclinical Cardiovascular Disease."

    Kim Sandler, MD, Bennett Landman, PhD, and Yuankai Huo, Ph.D., were awarded a grant by the University of Colorado SPORE program and Vanderbilt-Ingram Cancer Center for a pilot project titled, "Machine Learning for Prognosis Assessment." 

    Charles Caskey, PhD, was awarded a grant by the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke for "Prototyping an ultrasound system for spatiotemporally precise noninvasive neuromodulatory drug uncaging and functional imaging in awake primates."

    Seth Smith, PhD, was awarded a grant by the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke for "Structural and Functional MRI of the Cervical Spinal Cord in Multiple Sclerosis."

    Henry Manning, PhD, was awarded a grant by the National Cancer Institute for "VU PREDICT."

    ZhongLiang Zu, PhD, was awarded a grant by the National Institute of Arthritis, Musculoskeletal and Skin for "Validation of CEST MR Imaging of Creatine and Phosphocreatine in Muscle."

    Saikat Sengupta, PhD, was awarded a grant by the National Institute of Biomedical Imaging and Bioengineering for "Actively Shimmed Needles for Interventional MRI."

    Manus Donahue, PhD, was awarded a grant by the National Institute of Nursing Research for "Imaging Biomarkers of Lymphatic Dysfunction."

    Karthik M. Sundaram, MD, PhD, principal investigator, Sandeep Arora, MBBS, co-investigator, and Charles Caskey, PhD, scientific advisor, were awarded a RSNA Research Resident/Fellow Grant for their abstract entitled, “Evaluating Microbubbles as an Immunotherapy Adjuvant for Breast Cancer.” Read More

    John Gore, PhD, was awarded a grant by the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke for "Biophysical Basis of Functional Connectivity by MRI."

    John Gore, PhD, was awarded a grant by the National Institute of Biomedical Imaging and Bioengineering for "Postdoctoral Training in Biomedical MRI and MRS."

    Rachelle Crescenzi, PhD, was awarded a grant the American Heart Association for "Visualizing Vascular Mechanisms of Salt Sensitivity."

    Charles Caskey, PhD, was awarded a grant by the Mary Kay Foundation for "Enhancing Breast Cancer Immunotherapy with Microbubbles." Read More  

    Sandeep Arora, MBBS, was awarded a RSNA Research Seed Grant for “Improving Breast Cancer Response to Immunotherapy Using Micro-bubble Enhanced Therapeutic Ultrasound in a Highly Aggressive 4T1 Murine Breast Cancer Model.” Read More

    J. Jeffrey Carr, MD, was awarded a grant by the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute through the University of California-San Francisco for "Coronary Artery Cross-Sectional Area and Cardiovascular Disease In South Asians."

    James McIntyre, PhD, was awarded a grant by Metavivor for "A Novel Self-Reporting Paclitaxel Prodrug without Systemic Neurotoxicity: Preclinical Assessment for Targeting Treatment of Metastatic Breast Cancer."

    John Gore, PhD, was awarded a grant by the National Institute of Biomedical Imaging and Bioengineering for "Proton Relaxation and Exchange Contrast in MRI."

    Seth Smith, PhD, was awarded a grant by the University of Pennsylvania through the Kennedy Krieger Institute for "Multicenter Cross Standardization of Magnetic Resonance Imaging Methods for Adrenoleukodystrophy/Adrenomyeloneuropathy."


    J. Jeffrey Carr, MD, was awarded a grant by the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute through the University of Minnesota for "Caloric and Non-caloric Sweeteners and the Distribution of Adipose Tissue."

    J. Jeffrey Carr, MD, was awarded a grant by the National Cancer Institute through the University of Alabama-Birmingham for "CKD Risk Prediction among Obese Living Kidney Donors."

    Charles Caskey, PhD, was awarded a grant by the National Institute of Biomedical Imaging and Bioengineering through Vanderbilt University for "Fast Methods for Mapping Focused Ultrasound Pressure Fields.”

    Eduard Chekmenev, PhD, was awarded a grant by the National Cancer Institute for "Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy and Molecular Imaging of Metabolic Pathways in Cancer.”

    Manus Donahue, PhD, was awarded a grant by the Lipedema Foundation for "Utilizing Molecular Tissue Profiles and Lymphatic Clearance to Improve Clinical Discriminatory Capacity in Patients with Lipedema.”

    Manus Donahue, PhD, was awarded a grant by the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke through The McLean Hospital Corporation for "Mechanisms of Cerebrovascular Reactivity in Health and Disease.”

    Arthur Fleischer, MD, was awarded a grant by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration through KBRWyle for "Autonomous Diagnostic Imaging Performed by Untrained Operators Using Augmented reality as a Form of "Just-in-Time" Training."

    John Gore, PhD, was awarded a grant by the National Institutes of Health/Office of the Director for "Replacement and Upgrade of an Optical Imaging System for Small Animals.”

    John Gore, PhD, was awarded a grant by the Department of Defense for "SC160154: Validation of Structural, Molecular, and Functional Imaging Biomarkers in Spinal Cord Injury in Non-Human Primates.”

    John Gore, PhD, was awarded a grant by the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke for "Resting State FMRI as a Biomarker of Functional Integrity of Spinal Cord.”

    Xiaoyu Jiang, PhD, was awarded a grant by the National Cancer Institute for "Early assessment of radiation response in brain tumors using quantitative temporal diffusion spectroscopy.”

    Henry Manning, PhD, was awarded a grant by the National Institutes of Health/Office of the Director for "Radiochemistry Equipment for Molecular Imaging Tracer Production.”

    James McIntyre, PhD, was awarded a grant by the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute through the University of Pittsburgh for "Preclinical Assessment of a Compliance Matched Biopolymer Vascular Graft.”

    Kristin O’Grady, PhD, was awarded a grant by the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke for “Glutamate-Sensitive, Quantitative MRI in MS: Application to Cognitive Impairment.”

    Seth Smith, PhD, was awarded a grant by the Conrad N. Hilton Foundation for “Can MRI Detect and Quantify Macromolecular and Biochemical Abnormalities in the Spinal Cord of Primary Progressive MS Patients? Transitioning Beyond Conventional MRI.”

    Geoffrey Wile, MD, was awarded a grant by the National Cancer Institute through Thomas Jefferson University for “Contrast-enhanced Ultrasound Evaluation of Focal Liver Lesions in Patients with Cirrhosis or Other Risk Factors for Developing HCC.”

    Kim Sandler, MD, principal investigator, and Alexis Paulson, MSN., co-investigator, was awarded a grant by Vanderbilt-Ingram Cancer Center and Vanderbilt University Medical Center Department of Medicine for a pilot of their Cancer Early Detection and Prevention (CEDP) Initiative. Read More

    Mingfeng Bai, PhD, was awarded an American Cancer Society Research Scholar Grant aimed to develop a light-based technique for the treatment of metastatic ovarian cancer.

    Lucy B. Spalluto, MD, in partnership with Katina Beard, MSPH, CEO of Matthew Walker Comprehensive Health Center, was awarded a Community Engagement Mini-Grant from the Meharry-Vanderbilt Alliance Community Engaged Research Core for “The Promotora Navigator – Assessing the Impact of a Culturally Appropriate Patient Navigator for Screening Mammography and Follow-Up." Read More


    J. Jeffrey Carr, MD, was awarded a grant by the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute through Northwestern University for “Lung Function Decline and Disease Risk From Young Adulthood to Middle Age.”

    Charles Caskey, PhD, was awarded a grant by the National Institute of Biomedical Imaging and Bioengineering for “Fast volumetric treatment using multi-focus insonation and thermal amplification.”

    Charles Caskey, PhD, was awarded a grant by the National Institute of Mental Health for “Establishing a dose response for ultrasound neuromodulation.”

    Eduard Chekmenev, PhD, was awarded a grant by the National Cancer Institute through Vanderbilt University for "Physical Dynamics of Cancer Response to Chemotherapy in 3D Microenvironments.”

    Li Min Chen, MD, PhD, was awarded a grant by the Merck Corporate Campus – Rahway for "Functional Measure of Glucagon Receptor TE.”

    Bruce Damon, PhD, was awarded a grant by the National Institute of General Medical Sciences through Vanderbilt University for “Training in Pharmacological Sciences.”

    Taylor Davis, MD, was awarded a grant by the National Institute of Biomedical Imaging and Bioengineering through Vanderbilt University for “Controlling Quality and Capturing Uncertainty in Advanced Diffusion Weighted MRI.”

    Manus Donahue, PhD, was awarded a grant by the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke for “Imaging Collaterals and Tissue Metabolism in Patients with Moyamoya Syndrome.” 

    Manus Donahue, PhD, was awarded a grant by the National Institute of Biomedical Imaging and Bioengineering through Vanderbilt University for “Three-Dimensional Patient-Tailored RF Pulses for Spin Echo Neuroimaging at 7T.”

    Daniel Gochberg, PhD, was awarded a grant by the National Institute of Biomedical Imaging and Bioengineering through Vanderbilt University for “MRI Toolbox for Rodent Brain Microstructure Imaging.”

    John Gore, PhD, and Li Min Chen, MD, PhD, was awarded a grant by the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke for “Resting State Connectivity in Primate Spinal Cord.”

    John Gore, PhD, was awarded a grant by the National Institutes of Health/Office of the Director for “Replacement and Upgrade of a 3T MR Scanner for Research.”

    Henry Manning, PhD, was awarded a grant by the National Institutes of Health/Office of the Director for “Radiofluorination Equipment for PET Imaging Research.”

    Henry Manning, PhD, was awarded a grant by the National Institute of Diabetes & Digestive & Kidney Disease through the Cumberland Pharmaceuticals for “A Simple and Effective Diagnostic Test for Gastrointestinal Bleeding to Improve Patient Outcomes.”

    Henry Manning, PhD., was awarded a grant by the Department of Defense through Vanderbilt University for “Targeting the epithelial type II interleukin-4 receptor in metastatic breast Cancer.”

    Henry Manning, PhD, was awarded a grant by the Breast Cancer Research Foundation through Vanderbilt University for “CDK4/6 inhibition modulates tumor immune microenvironment to enhance response to immunotherapy.”

    Henry Manning, PhD, was awarded a grant by the National Cancer Institute through Vanderbilt University for “The Role of Mechanotransduction in Progression of Tumor-Induced Bone Disease.”

    James McIntyre, PhD, was awarded a grant by the Environmental Protection Agency through Vanderbilt University for “Vanderbilt-Pittsburgh Resource for Organotypic Models for Predictive Toxicology (VPROMPT).”

    Seth Smith, PhD, was awarded a grant by the National Eye Institute through Vanderbilt University for “Quantitative Imaging Analysis Techniques for Optic Nerve Disease.”

    Xinqiang Yan, PhD, was awarded a grant by the National Institute of Biomedical Imaging and Bioengineering through Vanderbilt University for “RF Encoding for Gradient-Free MRI.” 

    Richard Dortch, PhD, awarded a grant by the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke 

    Lucy B. Spalluto, MD, awarded a Partnership Development Mini Grant through the Meharry-Vanderbilt Community Engaged Research Core (CERC). Read More

    Sandeep Arora, MBBS,, awarded Vanderbilt Institute of Clinical and Translational Research Grant (VR16082): Evaluation of Ferumoxytol as an Anatomic and Functional Contrast Agent. 

    Sandeep Arora, MBBS, awarded Vanderbilt Institute of Clinical and Translational Research Grant (VR18325): Immunohistochemical Stain of Prostate Cancers to Identify Potential Biomarkers for Molecular Imaging. 

    LeAnn Stokes, MD, is the co-investigator for the High Intensity Focused Ultrasound trial for MRI-guided non-invasive treatment of uterine fibroids at Vanderbilt. 

    Dan Brown, MD, is the national Principal Investigator for the RESIN Registry. 

    Dan Brown, MD, is the site lead investigator of multi-center grant R01-CA194307 and co-investigator of grant R01-EB020040, both funded by NIH. 


    Rick Abramson, MD, was awarded a grant by the National Cancer Institute for “Quantitative MRI for Predicting Response of Breast Cancer to Neoadjuvant Therapy.”

    Rick Abramson, MD, was awarded a grant by the National Cancer Institute through Stanford University for “Qualification and Deployment of Imaging Biomarkers of Cancer Treatment Response.”

    Dan Brown, MD, was awarded a grant by the Sirtex Medical Limited for “Radiation-Emitting SIR-Spheres in Non-Resectable (RESIN) Liver Tumor Patient Registry.”

    Charles Caskey, PhD, was awarded a grant by the Focused Ultrasound Foundation for “Noninvasive Targeted Neuromodulation and Functional Imaging in Behaving Macaques.”

    Charles Caskey, PhD, was awarded a grant by the Focused Ultrasound Foundation for “Focused Ultrasound Global Internship Program.”

    Charles Caskey, PhD, was awarded a grant by the National Institute of Mental Health for “Neuron selective modulation of brain circuitry in non-human primates.”

    Eduard Chekmenev, PhD, was awarded a grant by the Department of Defense for “Low-cost, high-throughput 3D pulmonary imager using hyperpolarized contrast agents and low-field MRI.”

    Eduard Chekmenev, PhD, was awarded a grant by The University of Nottingham for “Clinical Xenon Polarizer.”

    Eduard Chekmenev, PhD, was awarded a grant by the National Institute of Biomedical Imaging and Bioengineering through Southern Illinois University Carbondale for “Pure Parahydrogen-Enhanced Metabolic MRI Contrast Agents for Molecular Imaging.”

    Rachelle Crescenzi, PhD, was awarded a grant by Lymphatic Education & Research Network for “Functional Imaging of Sodium and Lymphatics in Lipedema Patients.”

    John Gore, PhD, was awarded a grant by National Institutes of Health/Office of the Director for “Upgrade of a 7T Small Animal MRI/MRS System.”

    Henry Manning, PhD, was awarded a grant by Piramal Imaging GmbH for “PET Imaging of Hepatocellular Carcinoma with 18F-FSPG.”

    Seth Smith, PhD, was awarded a grant by National Multiple Sclerosis Society for “Quantitative and Longitudinal MRI Characterization of Spinal Cord Damage in Patients with MS.”

    Seth Smith, PhD, was awarded a grant by National Multiple Sclerosis Society for “Quantitative and Longitudinal MRI Characterization of Spinal Cord Damage in Patients with MS.”

    Ron Walker, PhD, was awarded a grant by Piramal Imaging GmbH for “PET Imaging of Lung Cancer and Indeterminate Pulmonary Nodules with 18F-FSPG.”

    Edward Welch, PhD, was awarded a grant by National Institute of Diabetes & Digestive & Kidney Disease for “Non-invasive assessment of human brown adipose tissue mass and activity.”

    Thomas Yankeelov, PhD, was awarded a grant by National Cancer Institute through St. Joseph's Hospital and Medical Center for “MRI Assessment of Tumor Perfusion, Permeability and Cellularity.”

    Lucy B. Spalluto, MD, received a 2015 Joan F. Giambalvo Fund for the Advancement of Women research grant. Read More

    Arthur Fleischer, MD, received a new RO1 regarding contrast ultrasound of liver tumor post-TACE.


    Daniel Gochberg, PhD, was awarded a grant by the National Cancer Institute for “CERT Imaging of Cancer.”

    David Smith, PhD, was awarded a grant by the National Cancer Institute for “Applying Compressed Sensing to Dynamic Contrast Enhanced MRI of Breast Cancer.”

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