Nuclear Medicine Residency Program

The major goal of the Nuclear Medicine Residency Program is to facilitate the professional and personal development of Nuclear Medicine Physicians-in-Training (NMPITs). Specialized training will prepare NMPITs to practice competently in academic or private practice of nuclear medicine, which includes diagnostic, therapeutic and investigational uses of radionuclides.

At the completion of the training, each NMPIT should demonstrate:

  • Extensive knowledge of normal and disease states
  • Superior diagnostic and technical skills including review of pertinent clinical information for optimum selection of nuclear medicine studies, performing these studies, interpreting the information obtained, correlating this information with other diagnostic studies and following up patients receiving radionuclide therapy
  • Intellectual curiosity and dedication to scholarly activity
  • Clinical and consultative skills necessary to assume an active role in patient care
  • Competency in teaching
  • Administrative and organizational skills required to manage a nuclear medicine practice, including interaction with employees, government and reimbursement agencies
  • Professional attitudes and behavior

We subscribe to the American Board of Nuclear Medicine Position Statement: Nuclear Medicine Professional Competency and Scope of Practice (J. Nucl Med 2011; S6: 994-997), and are committed to teaching each resident the general competencies of patient care. 

Nuclear Medicine Program Director & Faculty

Philip Scherer, MD

Philip Scherer, MD
Associate Professor of Clinical Radiology and Radiological Sciences
Section Chief, Nuclear Medicine
Nuclear Medicine Residency and Fellowship Program Director


Heather Cole, MD

Heather Cole, MD
Assistant Professor of Clinical Radiology and Radiological Sciences
Nuclear Medicine Residency and Fellowship Associate Program Director

Contact Us

For Academic Medicine inquiries, email us here.

If you're a patient seeking information, please visit Vanderbilt Health's Radiology website.

For information on Medical Records, please click here.

(615) 343-2617

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