Motuzas to be Awarded Certificate of Curriculum Designing at Eighth Annual HPERD

buckincl_professional_190x264.pngCari Motuzas, M.D., neuroradiologist and assistant professor of clinical radiology and radiological sciences, will be awarded a Certificate of Curriculum Designing at the eighth annual Gerald S. Gotterer Health Professions Education Research Day (HPERD) Educator Awards Recognition ceremony Friday, December 9.

Hosted by the Office of Health Sciences Education, the Office for Continuous Professional Development and the Educator Development Program, HPERD celebrates the outstanding achievements in educational scholarship by Vanderbilt faculty and trainees.

Charlene Dewey, M.D., M.Ed., FACP, Assistant Dean of Educator Development, will present certificates to Dr. Motuzas and fellow faculty who have completed the Integrated Science Course (ISC) Director Training Program on Curriculum Design and Evaluation.

“The aim of the program is to provide faculty with instruction and guidance on curriculum design and evaluation principles to support their developing and/or revising an ISC for the Vanderbilt University School of Medicine,” wrote Dr. Dewey in a letter to ISC directors and co-directors.  

The program included 10 workshop sessions and seven online learning modules to guide faculty in the development and implementation of an ISC for third- and fourth-year medical students.

As she transitioned through the program, Dr. Motuzas and Lillian Nanney, Ph.D., Professor of Medical Education and Administration, designed the curricula for the ISC Medical Imaging & Anatomy course they co-direct. It was first implemented in August 2015.

“The first year has been great, and we’ve had great feedback from the students,” said Dr. Motuzas in her update at the August 2016 Radiology Faculty Meeting. “And as a matter of fact, we have a wait list of more than 70 students for the courses being offered this year.”

“This has been, by far, the most popular course the medical school has ever had,” said Ed Donnelly, M.D., Ph.D., Associate Professor of Radiology and Radiological Sciences and Diagnostic Radiology Residency Program Director. “No course has ever done this. It’s really phenomenal.”

Reed Omary, M.D., M.S., Carol D. and Henry P. Pendergrass Professor and Chair, Department of Radiology and Radiological Sciences, added that successful radiology courses such as these continue to fuel interest amongst students interested in entering the field of radiology. 

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