Vanderbilt Radiology Attends 2018 Tennessee Radiological Society Scientific Meeting

Faculty and trainees from the Department of Radiology recently attended the 2018 Tennessee Radiological Society (TRS) Scientific Meeting.

Held annually in Franklin, Tennessee, the meeting brings together radiologists and trainees from across the state for presentations on topics from breast imaging and legislation to the roles of diversity and social media in radiology and in health care.

Vanderbilt radiologists Drs. Martin Jordanov, Krupa Patel-Lippmann, Glynis Sacks, Kim Sandler, Lucy Spalluto and Stephanie Spottswood, were among the 13 speakers invited to give presentations at this year’s meeting.

“The variety of educational lectures was outstanding,” said second-year diagnostic radiology resident Samuel Pevzner, M.D., Ph.D. “Our faculty were a dominant subset of the emergency radiology speakers, sharing select cases with the greater Tennessee radiologist community. 

In addition, the TRS Committee for Women and Diversity, chaired by Dr. Spalluto, invited Dr. Spottswood to give the meeting’s inaugural diversity lecture, “The Power of Diversity:  The Key to Meeting Today’s (and Tomorrow’s) Greatest Healthcare Challenges.”

“My goal was to introduce the group to the value of appreciating ‘differences’ – both social identity differences and cognitive differences – as a means to improve problem solving, drive innovation and generate better outcomes,” said Dr. Spottswood. “It is important that as our patient population becomes increasingly more diverse that we leverage the entire U.S. intellectual capital when we are staffing our institutions, teams and committees within the health care industry.”

Residents who attended the meeting also had an opportunity to participate in the TRS Resident and Fellow Section meeting, Executive Board Election and Poster Competition.  

Patrick Couture, M.D., third-year diagnostic radiology resident and presiding president of the Resident and Fellow Section, gave a section update to TRS membership, and led the election for those who will serve in roles for the upcoming academic year. Dr. Pevzner was elected Secretary of the Resident and Fellow Section, and will be responsible for disseminating information and updates about upcoming TRS events to trainees throughout the state.

“As in years past, it was a very engaging meeting,” added Dr. Couture. “It was great being able to learn and hear from radiology leaders about their experiences, and how radiology is evolving.”   

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