Melissa Picard in VUMC Reporter: Remote Radiology Option Expands Coverage, Enhances Care

Maintaining a healthy work-life balance helps reduce stress and prevent burnout in employees, and working from home is a common way to help employees feel a stronger sense of flexibility and overall well-being. Traditionally, the medical field has not been able to provide work-from-home options to physicians due to the high-touch nature of the job.

The Department of Radiology and Radiological Sciences is working to change that. Melissa Picard, MD, associate professor of Radiology, like most radiology faculty, teaches residents, responds to the questions of referring physicians and analyzes images to triage patients. The only difference between Picard and most other VUMC radiologists is that Picard works entirely remotely from her home office in Charleston, South Carolina.

Read the full story in the VUMC Reporter.