Mary Ann Keenan Named AAPM Fellow

VUMC Radiology is honored to announce that Assistant Professor Mary Ann Keenan, DMP, has been elected as a Fellow of the American Association of Physicists in Medicine.

Dr. Keenan received this recognition for her contributions to medical physics and for the esteem held for her by her peers. This July, Dr. Keenan will be awarded this recognition at a ceremony in Houston, Texas.

"John Muir once wrote, “'n every walk with nature, one receives far more than he seeks.'  Being elected as a Fellow of AAPM reminds me of how much I have received through participation," Dr. Keenan Says. "Involvement with AAPM has helped me gain knowledge from those more experienced, friendships that will last a lifetime, and skills that I can carry forward in my career and life.  I have been given far more than I have contributed.  I am so grateful to AAPM for providing the opportunity, to Dr. Omary and the Department of Radiology for allowing me to serve and for providing an environment that encourages service."

The AAPM is a professional organization of more than 8000 scientists whose clinical practice is dedicated to ensuring accuracy, safety and quality in the use of radiation in medical procedures such as medical imaging and radiation therapy.

According to the society, The responsibility of the medical physicist is to assure that the radiation prescribed in imaging and radiation therapy is delivered accurately and safely.

Dr. Keenan joined Vanderbilt in 2005. She received both her MS and Doctorate in Medical Physics from Vanderbilt.