Pediatric Radiology Chief meets with ACR 2015™ Keynote Speaker, U.S. General Colin L. Powell

During the Crossroads of Radiology, ACR 2015™ meeting in Washington DC this week, Dr. Marta Hernanz-Schulman, our Pediatric Section Chief and Medical Director of Diagnostic Imaging at the MCJCHV, had the opportunity to meet former United States Secretary of State and Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman, General Colin L. Powell, USA (Ret.), who delivered the keynote address "Leadership: Taking Charge."  Dr. Hernanz-Schulman is the Chair of the Pediatric Commission of the ACR, and a member of the ACR Board of Chancellors.  She states: “This was a unique and momentous opportunity to reach out to a person of remarkable leadership and national significance.”

“The Crossroads of Radiology ACR 2015™ is the perfect event for a time of great change in medicine. Professionals came together to improve their business practices, advocacy efforts and clinical patient care. They left with a far better understanding of why they are ACR members or why they should be,” said ACR Chief Executive Officer William T. Thorwarth, Jr., M.D., FACR.

Powell, a statesman and retired four-star general in the United States Army, has received numerous U.S. Military awards and decorations. His civilian awards include two Presidential Medals of Freedom, the President's Citizens Medal, and the Congressional Gold Medal. He serves on the board of directors at Revolution Health, a health-related portal site and social network that provides online tools to help people better manage their health. His remarks exemplify the tremendous content that ACR 2015™ attendees can expect.

“We are honored to have such a distinguished keynote speaker at our first all-member meeting. General Colin Powell has added to the knowledge and skills attendees gained at ACR 2015™ to help them navigate and influence medical, economic and government trends shaping radiology’s future, to strengthen their practices and become better healthcare providers,” said Thorwarth.