Magarik Earns Pediatric Best Case Award at AIRP

Third-year diagnostic radiology resident Meaghan Magarik, M.D., Ph.D., recently earned the Pediatric Best Case Award at the American College of Radiology’s September-October 2017 American Institute for Radiologic Pathology (AIRP) course in Washington, D.C.

Dr. Magarik’s case, “Cardiac Rhabdomyoma,” reviewed a 35-week, 3,000-gram infant born by caesarean section to a mother whose pregnancy was complicated by polyhydramnios, fetal ascites and hypothyroidism in the setting of a large thoracic mass.

“I selected the case because I became interested in the differential diagnosis of fetal thoracic and cardiac masses while on my pediatric rotation,” said Dr. Magarik. “I was working with Dr. Wendy Ellis on pediatric MRI when the mother presented for a fetal MRI examination. On the fetal MRI we could see a large mass in the patient's chest in very close proximity to the heart, but the exact origin wasn't easily delineated.”

Shortly after, during Dr. Magarik’s ultrasound rotation at the Center for Women’s Imaging, she reviewed a subsequent obstetrical ultrasound for the same case and discussed the differential diagnosis with Dr. Glynis Sacks.

“This was a unique and thought-provoking case for me in which we had multi-modality pre- and post-natal imaging, as well as excellent pathology that I wanted to share at the AIRP,” added Dr. Magarik.  

In preparing the case for submission to AIRP, Dr. Magarik worked closely with Vanderbilt pediatric pathologist Hernan Correa, M.D., to gather the histology slides to accompany the case. Once compiled, she submitted it among hundreds of radiologic-pathology cases competing for “Best Case” awards.

Dr. Magarik participated in the second group of Vanderbilt Radiology residents attending the monthlong AIRP course this year. Fellow third-year resident Erik Landman, M.D., earned the Gastrointestinal Best Case award for the July-August course. Two more groups of residents will attend AIRP between now and March.

“The AIRP course was excellent,” said Dr. Magarik. “I learned an incredible amount in a very short period of time, and will continue to apply that knowledge throughout my residency and in my career.”

Meaghan Magarik, M.D., Ph.D.

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