Thomas A. Powers Lead Ceremony

After obtaining an undergraduate degree, completing four years of medical school, and slogging through a rigorous internship, generations of first year Vanderbilt Radiology Residents have eagerly arrived to begin their training for lifelong careers in Radiology.  Arriving in July of that first year of residency can be a bit overwhelming without prior training in image interpretation or skills in dictation.  However, when countless residents have felt ill-equipped to provide a differential diagnosis or dictate a clear report, one element that universally bonds radiologists is the periodic table’s eighty-second: lead. Wearing lead promotes a feeling of unity that bonds radiologists of all ages and levels of experience.  Therefore, for the past several years, the Department of Radiology has provided custom fitted lead as well as lead glasses to each in-coming resident upon their arrival. 

In celebration of this year’s incoming radiology residents, the Vanderbilt Department of Radiology hosted the first annual lead ceremony.  The Thomas A. Powers Resident Lead Ceremony was named in honor of a longtime nighthawk and much beloved attending who retired in June 2014.  Dr. Powers earned a degree in electrical engineering from Duke University before completing his M.D. at Vanderbilt. He trained in internal medicine and served in the Navy as a squadron medical officer.  After completing his service, he went on to train in nuclear medicine and subsequently radiology at Vanderbilt. Dr. Powers is extensively published in both the nuclear medicine and radiology literature. He is also the recipient of numerous teaching awards. He is universally revered for his radiology knowledge, rapid yet accurate reads, and his teaching ability.  Dr. Powers has touched numerous careers, and a generation of radiologists owes a great deal to his efforts.  He is widely regarded by his peers and residents as the quintessential radiologist.  Therefore, honoring Dr. Powers with the ceremony’s namesake is a fitting tribute.

On October 6, with Dr. Powers in attendance, residents and faculty gathered for the ceremony.  As each of the new residents was introduced, interesting and humorous anecdotes were provided as we all learned more about this incoming class.   The residents’ personalities were on display through the patterns each chose for his or her lead apron: college colors, camouflage, and flames were among the selected designs.  Following pictures and light refreshments, an after-party commenced at Cabana in Hillsboro Village.  What a wonderful way to celebrate the first year residents to Vanderbilt.  A bright future is ahead for the newest additions to the Vanderbilt radiology family.

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