A Look Back: Vanderbilt Radiology Gives Back in 2017

Last year, faculty, staff and trainees in the Department of Radiology participated in various department-sponsored community service opportunities where they donated time, money and goods to local and national organizations in need.

In the fall, several members of the department opted to make a $5 monetary donation for breast cancer support and research in exchange for wearing jeans during American Cancer Society’s annual Denim Day. A total of $230 was raised and donated, on behalf of the department, directly to the Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation.

In addition, the department collected 116 pairs of new and gently used shoes for those impacted by the year’s devastating hurricanes in Texas, Florida and the Caribbean. The shoes were donated to Rippl, in partnership with Soles4Souls, to distribute the shoes worldwide to individuals in need.

During the holiday season, the Radiology Support Staff spearheaded two donation drives for Nashville-based organizations, Bethlehem Centers of Nashville’s Senior Club and The Next Door. Bethlehem Centers delivers daily meals and paper goods to 215 homebound individuals. The Next Door provides services to women impacted by addiction, mental illness, trauma and/or incarceration. During the two-week holiday drive, more than 914 items, including paper goods, toiletries and clothing, along with $100 were donated. The items were used to fill 35 bags for Bethlehem Centers, 30 bags for The Next Door, and to contribute to the general supply for both organizations. 

Reed Omary, M.D., M.S., Carol D. and Henry P. Pendergrass Professor and Chair, also organized a faculty fundraiser for Second Harvest Food Bank of Middle Tennessee. Radiology faculty donated more than 87 pounds of food and $1,388. As a result of the faculty's generous contributions, Second Harvest will be able to provide 5,625 meals to hungry men, women and children in middle Tennessee.  

“As health care professionals, it’s important for us to be visible and to give back to the communities in which we serve,” said Dr. Omary. “We have a great team dedicated to helping others, and I’m glad that we were able to come together in 2017 to make an even bigger impact in our community.”

In the past, the department has also participated in Hands on Nashville Day and a resident service day at Second Harvest Food Bank.

The department is currently working to identify and organize volunteer opportunities for 2018. If you are interested in participating, or have any recommendations for volunteer opportunities moving forward, please email Radiology Communications.



Radiology colleagues donate paper goods and supplies to Bethlehem Centers of Nasvhille's Senior Club and The Next Door. (Photo courtesy of Christy Latshaw)


Radiology faculty donate food and money to Second Harvest Food Bank of Middle Tennessee.
(Photo courtesy of Dr. Reed Omary)

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