The Southard-Smith lab has a successful history of training students and post-doctoral fellows for careers in research, education and academic medicine. Our mentees have the opportunity to affiliate and train with programs in either Human Genetics, Neuroscience, or Cell & Developmental Biology.
Our group holds weekly lab meetings where we rotate through research project progress, details of new methods, or monthly literature reviews (aka "Journal Club").
Across campus our group members regularly interact via the Program in Developmental Biology and the Stem Cell Biology Center and the Ph.D. Program in Human Genetics with the other students, post-docs, and faculty who share interests in regenerative biology and genetics.
We foster international collaborations by regularly attending annual conferences for the International Mammalian Genome Society, the Society for Neuroscience, and the Society for Developmental Biology Annual Meeting.
Trainees are encouraged to aim for long-term career goals and take advantage of the many opportunities at Vanderbllt that will best help them move towards their selected career path. Dr. Southard-Smith makes a point of connecting trainees with resources in the ASPIRE program, the BRET office, or the Center for Teaching.
Our team appreciates that distinct perspectives make our group stronger and increases creativity. We support a workplace environment that is collaborative and respectful so that all team members can attain their full potential.