Coronado RA, Robinette PE, Henry AL, Pennings JS, Haug CM, Skolasky RL, Riley LH, Neuman BJ, Cheng JS, Aaronson OS, Devin CJ, Wegener ST, Archer KR. Bouncing back after lumbar spine surgery: early postoperative resilience is associated with 12-month physical function, pain interference, social participation, and disability. The spine journal : official journal of the North American Spine Society. 2021 Jan;21(21). 55-63.
Coronado RA, Ehde DM, Pennings JS, Vanston SW, Koyama T, Phillips SE, Mathis SL, McGirt MJ, Spengler DM, Aaronson OS, Cheng JS, Devin CJ, Wegener ST, Archer KR. Psychosocial Mechanisms of Cognitive-Behavioral-Based Physical Therapy Outcomes After Spine Surgery: Preliminary Findings From Mediation Analyses. Physical therapy. 2020 Dec 28;100(100). 1793-1804.
Alex Sielatycki J, Devin CJ, Pennings J, Koscielski M, Metcalf T, Archer KR, Dunn R, Craig Humphreys S, Hodges S. A novel lumbar total joint replacement may be an improvement over fusion for degenerative lumbar conditions: a comparative analysis of patient-reported outcomes at 1 year. The spine journal : official journal of the North American Spine Society. 2020 Dec 17.
Khan I, Pennings JS, Devin CJ, Asher AM, Oleisky E, Bydon M, Asher AL, Archer KR. Clinically Meaningful Improvement Following Cervical Spine Surgery: 30% Reduction Versus Absolute Point-change MCID Values. Spine. 2020 Dec 17;Publish Ahead of Print(Publish Ahead of Print).
Devin CJ, Asher AL, Archer KR, Goyal A, Khan I, Kerezoudis P, Alvi MA, Pennings JS, Karacay B, Shaffrey CI, Bisson EF, Knightly JJ, Mummaneni PV, Foley KT, Bydon M. Impact of Dominant Symptom on 12-Month Patient-Reported Outcomes for Patients Undergoing Lumbar Spine Surgery. Neurosurgery. 2020 Dec 15;87(87). 1037-1045.
Khan I, Archer KR, Wanner JP, Bydon M, Pennings JS, Sivaganesan A, Knightly JJ, Foley KT, Bisson EF, Shaffrey C, McGirt MJ, Asher AL, Devin CJ. Trajectory of Improvement in Myelopathic Symptoms From 3 to 12 Months Following Surgery for Degenerative Cervical Myelopathy. Neurosurgery. 2020 Dec 1;86(86). 763-768.
Zuckerman SL, Mummareddy N, Lakomkin N, Sivaganesan A, Asher A, Devin CJ. Identifying the Most Appropriate ACDF Patients for an Ambulatory Surgery Center: A Pilot Study Using Inpatient and Outpatient Hospital Data. Clinical spine surgery. 2020 Dec;33(33). 418-423.
Master H, Pennings JS, Coronado RA, Henry AL, O'Brien MT, Haug CM, Skolasky RL, Riley LH, Neuman BJ, Cheng JS, Aaronson OS, Devin CJ, Wegener ST, Archer KR. Physical Performance Tests Provide Distinct Information in Both Predicting and Assessing Patient-Reported Outcomes Following Lumbar Spine Surgery. Spine. 2020 Dec 1;45(45). E1556-E1563.
Coronado RA, Master H, White DK, Pennings JS, Bird ML, Devin CJ, Buchowski MS, Mathis SL, McGirt MJ, Cheng JS, Aaronson OS, Wegener ST, Archer KR. Early postoperative physical activity and function: a descriptive case series study of 53 patients after lumbar spine surgery. BMC musculoskeletal disorders. 2020 Nov 27;21(21). 783 p.
Archer KR, Bydon M, Khan I, Nian H, Pennings JS, Harrell FE, Sivaganesan A, Chotai S, McGirt MJ, Foley KT, Glassman SD, Mummaneni PV, Bisson EF, Knightly JJ, Shaffrey CI, Asher AL, Devin CJ. Development and Validation of Cervical Prediction Models for Patient-Reported Outcomes at 1 Year After Cervical Spine Surgery for Radiculopathy and Myelopathy. Spine. 2020 Nov 15;45(45). 1541-1552.
Labrum JT, Khan I, Archer KR, Abtahi AM, Stephens BF. Lowest Instrumented Vertebra (LIV) Selection in Posterior Cervical Fusion: Does Cervicothoracic Junction LIV Predict Mechanical Failure? Spine. 2020 Nov 11.
Pennings JS, Khan I, Hills JM, Coronado RA, Devin CJ, Archer KR. Classifying chronic opioid use before spine surgery: comparison of self-report and prescription drug monitoring program (PDMP) reporting. The spine journal : official journal of the North American Spine Society. 2020 Nov;20(20). 1795-1797.
Sivaganesan A, Khan I, Pennings JS, Roth SG, Nolan ER, Oleisky ER, Asher AL, Bydon M, Devin CJ, Archer KR. Why are patients dissatisfied after spine surgery when improvements in disability and pain are clinically meaningful? The spine journal : official journal of the North American Spine Society. 2020 Oct;20(20). 1535-1543.
Hills JM, Carlile CR, Archer KR, Wick JB, Butler M, Daryoush J, Khan I, Call R, Devin CJ, Pennings JS. Duration and Dosage of Opioids After Spine Surgery: Implications on Outcomes at 1 Year. Spine. 2020 Aug 1;45(45). 1081-1088.
Pennings JS, Khan I, Davidson CA, Freitag R, Bydon M, Asher AL, Devin CJ, Archer KR. Using PROMIS-29 to predict Neck Disability Index (NDI) scores using a national sample of cervical spine surgery patients. The spine journal : official journal of the North American Spine Society. 2020 Aug;20(20). 1305-1315.
Asher AM, Oleisky ER, Pennings JS, Khan I, Sivaganesan A, Devin CJ, Bydon M, Asher AL, Archer KR. Measuring clinically relevant improvement after lumbar spine surgery: is it time for something new? The spine journal : official journal of the North American Spine Society. 2020 Jun;20(20). 847-856.
Rundell SD, Pennings JS, Nian H, Harrell FE, Khan I, Bydon M, Asher AL, Devin CJ, Archer KR. Adding 3-month patient data improves prognostic models of 12-month disability, pain, and satisfaction after specific lumbar spine surgical procedures: development and validation of a prediction model. The spine journal : official journal of the North American Spine Society. 2020 Apr;20(20). 600-613.
Coronado RA, Devin CJ, Pennings JS, Vanston SW, Fenster DE, Hills JM, Aaronson OS, Schwarz JP, Stephens BF, Archer KR. Early Self-directed Home Exercise Program After Anterior Cervical Discectomy and Fusion: A Pilot Study. Spine. 2020 Feb 15;45(45). 217-225.
Khan I, Bydon M, Archer KR, Sivaganesan A, Asher AM, Alvi MA, Kerezoudis P, Knightly JJ, Foley KT, Bisson EF, Shaffrey C, Asher AL, Spengler DM, Devin CJ. Impact of occupational characteristics on return to work for employed patients after elective lumbar spine surgery. The spine journal : official journal of the North American Spine Society. 2019 Dec;19(19). 1969-1976.
Coronado RA, Devin CJ, Pennings JS, Aaronson OS, Haug CM, Van Hoy EE, Vanston SW, Archer KR. Safety and feasibility of an early telephone-supported home exercise program after anterior cervical discectomy and fusion: a case series. Physiotherapy theory and practice. 2019 Oct 30. 1-13. NIHMSID: NIHMS1541446.
Asher AL, Devin CJ, Kerezoudis P, Nian H, Alvi MA, Khan I, Sivaganesan A, Harrell FE, Archer KR, Bydon M. Predictors of patient satisfaction following 1- or 2-level anterior cervical discectomy and fusion: insights from the Quality Outcomes Database. Journal of neurosurgery. Spine. 2019 Aug 30. 1-9.
Hills JM, Archer KR , Devin CJ. Khan I, Sivaganesan A, Weisenthal B, Daryoush J, Butler M, Bydon M, Asher A. Emergency Department Visits After Elective Spine Surgery. Neurosurgery. 2019 Aug 1;85(85). E258-E265.
Khan I. Sivaganesan A, Archer KR, Bydon M, McGirt MJ, Nian H, Harrell FE, Foley KT, Mummaneni PV, Bisson EF, Shaffrey C, Harbaugh R, Asher AL, Devin CJ, QOD Vanguard Sites. Does Neck Disability Index Correlate With 12-Month Satisfaction After Elective Surgery for Cervical Radiculopathy? Results From a National Spine Registry. Neurosurgery. 2019 Jul 3.
Kim EJ, Devin CJ. Chotai S, Wick JB, Khan I, Sivaganesan A, Bydon M, Archer KR. Factors Associated With Return-to-Work Following Cervical Spine Surgery in Non-Worker's Compensation Setting. Spine. 2019 Jul 1;44(44). 903-907.
Hills JM, Archer KR . Pennings JS, Wick JB, J, Butler M, Sivaganesan A, Khan I, Call R, Devin CJ. Preoperative Opioids and 1-year Patient-reported Outcomes After Spine Surgery. Spine. 2019 Jun 15;44(44). 887-895.
Pennings JS. Devin CJ, Khan I, Bydon M, Asher AL, Archer KR. Prediction of Oswestry Disability Index (ODI) using PROMIS-29 in a national sample of lumbar spine surgery patients. Quality of life research : an international journal of quality of life aspects of treatment, care and rehabilitation. 2019 Jun 6.
Hills JM, Stephens B. Khan I , Archer KR, Sivaganesan A, Daryoush J, Hong DY, Dahir KM, Devin CJ. Metabolic and Endocrine Disorders in Pseudarthrosis. Clinical spine surgery. 2019 Jun;32(32). E252-E257.
Oleisky ER, Archer KR. Pennings JS, Hills J, Sivaganesan A, Call R, Devin CJ. Comparing different chronic preoperative opioid use definitions on outcomes after spine surgery. The spine journal : official journal of the North American Spine Society. 2019 Jun;19(19). 984-994.
Asher AL. Devin CJ, Weisenthal BM, Pennings J, Khan I, Archer KR, Sivaganesan A, Chotai S, Bydon M, Nian H, Harrell EF, McGirt MJ, Mummaneni P, Bisson EF, Shaffrey C, Foley KT, For QOD Vanguard Sites. Effect of Modified Japanese Orthopedic Association Severity Classifications on Satisfaction With Outcomes 12 Months After Elective Surgery for Cervical Spine Myelopathy. Spine. 2019 Jun 1;44(44). 801-808.
Sivaganesan A. Asher AL, Bydon M, Khan I, Kerezoudis P, Foley KT, Nian H, Harrell FE, Archer KR, Devin CJ. A Strategy for Risk-adjusted Ranking of Surgeons and Practices Based on Patient-reported Outcomes After Elective Lumbar Surgery. Spine. 2019 May 1;44(44). 670-677.
Sivagansen A. Zuckerman S, Khan I, Nian H, Harrell FE, Pennings JS, Harbaugh R, Foley KT, Bydon M, Asher AL, Devin CJ, Archer KR. Predictive Model for Medical and Surgical Readmissions Following Elective Lumbar Spine Surgery: A National Study of 33,674 Patients. Spine. 2019 Apr 15;44(44). 588-600.
Chotai S, Devin CJ. Khan I, Nian H, Harrell FE, Weisenthal NB, Bydon M, Asher AL. Utility of Anxiety/Depression Domain of EQ-5D to Define Psychological Distress in Spine Surgery. World neurosurgery. 2019 Mar 14.
Kim EJ, Sivaganesan A, Devin CJ. Chotai S, Wick JB, Khan I, Bydon M, Archer KR. Factors Associated with Return-to-Work following Cervical Spine Surgery in Non-Worker's Compensation Setting. Spine. 2019 Jan 7.
Hills J, Sivaganesan A, Khan I, Chotai S, Weisenthal B, Freeman T, Butler M, Wick J, Daryoush J, Asher A, Devin CJ. Causes and Timing of Unplanned 90-day Readmissions Following Spine Surgery. Spine. 2018 Dec 15;43(43). 991-998.
Kim EJ, Chotai S, Wick JB, Stonko DP, Sivaganesan A, Devin CJ. Patient-Reported Outcomes and Costs Associated With Revision Surgery for Degenerative Cervical Spine Diseases. Spine. 2018 Dec 1;43(43). E423-E429.
Sielatycki JA, Chotai S, Wick J, Sivaganesan A, Devin CJ. Intersurgeon Cost Variability in Anterior Cervical Discectomy and Fusion. Spine. 2018 Aug;43(43). 1125-1132.
Wick JB, Sivaganesan A, Chotai S, Archer KR, Posey SL, Evans PT, Campbell JR, Devin CJ. Is There a Preoperative Morphine Equianalgesic Dose that Predicts Ability to Achieve a Clinically Meaningful Improvement Following Spine Surgery? Neurosurgery. 2018 Aug 1;83(83). 245-251.
Sivaganesan A, Chotai S, Parker SL, McGirt MJ, Devin CJ. Drivers of Variability in 90-Day Cost for Elective Laminectomy and Fusion for Lumbar Degenerative Disease. Neurosurgery. 2018 Jul 25.
Stephens BF, Khan I, Chotai S, Sivaganesan A, Devin CJ. Drivers of Cost in Adult Thoracolumbar Spine Deformity Surgery. World neurosurgery. 2018 Jun 30.
Parker SL, Sivaganesan A, Chotai S, McGirt MJ, Asher AL, Devin CJ. Development and validation of a predictive model for 90-day readmission following elective spine surgery. Journal of neurosurgery. Spine. 2018 Jun 15. 1-5.
Zuckerman SL, Lakomkin N, Smith JS, Shaffrey CI, Devin CJ. Incidence and predictors of all-cause mortality within one year after adult spinal deformity surgery. Journal of spine surgery (Hong Kong). 2018 Jun;4(4). 333-341.
Chotai S, Sivaganesan A, Parker SL, Sielatycki JA, Archer KR, Nian H, Stephens E, Aaronson OS, McGirt MJ, Devin CJ. Drivers of Variability in 90-day Cost for Primary Single-level Microdiscectomy. Neurosurgery. 2018 May 30.
Asher AL, Devin CJ, Kerezoudis P, Chotai S, Nian H, Harrell FE, Sivaganesan A, McGirt MJ, Archer KR, Foley KT, Mummaneni PV, Bisson EF, Knightly JJ, Shaffrey CI, Bydon M. Comparison of Outcomes Following Anterior vs Posterior Fusion Surgery for Patients With Degenerative Cervical Myelopathy: An Analysis From Quality Outcomes Database. Neurosurgery. 2018 May 8.
Chotai S, Sivaganesan A, Parker SL, Sielatycki JA, McGirt MJ, Devin CJ. Drivers of Variability in 90-Day Cost for Elective Anterior Cervical Discectomy and Fusion for Cervical Degenerative Disease. Neurosurgery. 2018 May 1.
Wei JJ, Chotai S, Sivaganesan A, Archer KR, Schneider BJ, Yang AJ, Devin CJ. Effect of pre-injection opioid use on post-injection patient-reported outcomes following epidural steroid injections for radicular pain. The spine journal : official journal of the North American Spine Society. 2018 May;18(18). 788-796.
Chotai S, Sivaganesan A, Sielatycki JA, Archer KR, Call R, McGirt MJ, Devin CJ. Surgeon-Level Variability in Outcomes, Cost, and Comorbidity Adjusted-Cost for Elective Lumbar Decompression and Fusion. Neurosurgery. 2018 Apr 1;82(82). 506-515.
Kim E, Chotai S, Stonko D, Wick J, Sielatycki A, Devin CJ. A retrospective review comparing two-year patient-reported outcomes, costs, and healthcare resource utilization for TLIF vs. PLF for single-level degenerative spondylolisthesis. European spine journal : official publication of the European Spine Society, the European Spinal Deformity Society, and the European Section of the Cervical Spine Research Society. 2018 Mar;27(27). 661-669.
Kim EJ, Wick JB, Stonko DP, Chotai S, Freeman TH, Douleh DG, Mistry AM, Parker SL, Devin CJ. Timing of Operative Intervention in Traumatic Spine Injuries Without Neurological Deficit. Neurosurgery. 2018 Feb 24.
Asher AL, Kerezoudis P, Mummaneni PV, Bisson EF, Glassman SD, Foley KT, Slotkin J, Potts EA, Shaffrey ME, Shaffrey CI, Coric D, Knightly JJ, Park P, Fu KM, Devin CJ, Archer KR, Chotai S, Chan AK, Virk MS, Bydon M. Defining the minimum clinically important difference for grade I degenerative lumbar spondylolisthesis: insights from the Quality Outcomes Database. Neurosurgical focus. 2018 Jan;44(44). E2.
Parker SL, Chotai S, Devin CJ, Tetreault L, Mroz TE, Brodke DS, Fehlings MG, McGirt MJ. Bending the Cost Curve-Establishing Value in Spine Surgery. Neurosurgery. 2017 Dec 1;80(80). S61-S69.
Sivaganesan A, Chotai S, White-Dzuro G, McGirt MJ, Devin CJ. The effect of NSAIDs on spinal fusion: a cross-disciplinary review of biochemical, animal, and human studies. European spine journal : official publication of the European Spine Society, the European Spinal Deformity Society, and the European Section of the Cervical Spine Research Society. 2017 Dec;26(26). 2719-2728.
Chotai S, Parker SL, Sielatycki JA, Sivaganesan A, Kay HF, Wick JB, McGirt MJ, Devin CJ. Erratum to: Impact of old age on patient-report outcomes and cost utility for anterior cervical discectomy and fusion surgery for degenerative spine disease. European spine journal : official publication of the European Spine Society, the European Spinal Deformity Society, and the European Section of the Cervical Spine Research Society. 2017 Dec;26(26). 1324 p.
Chotai S, Devin CJ, Archer KR, Bydon M, McGirt MJ, Nian H, Harrell FE, Dittus RS, Asher AL. Effect of patients' functional status on satisfaction with outcomes 12 months after elective spine surgery for lumbar degenerative disease. The spine journal : official journal of the North American Spine Society. 2017 Dec;17(17). 1783-1793.
Chotai S, Parker SL, Sielatycki JA, Sivaganesan A, Kay HF, Wick JB, McGirt MJ, Devin CJ. Impact of old age on patient-report outcomes and cost utility for anterior cervical discectomy and fusion surgery for degenerative spine disease. European spine journal : official publication of the European Spine Society, the European Spinal Deformity Society, and the European Section of the Cervical Spine Research Society. 2017 Dec;26(26). 1236-1245.
Kim EJ, Chotai S, Stonko DP, Wick JB, Schneider BJ, McGirt MJ, Devin CJ. Patient-reported outcomes after lumbar epidural steroid injection for degenerative spine disease in depressed versus non-depressed patients. The spine journal : official journal of the North American Spine Society. 2017 Dec;17(17). 511-517.
Asher AL, Devin CJ, McCutcheon B, Chotai S, Archer KR, Nian H, Harrell FE, McGirt M, Mummaneni PV, Shaffrey CI, Foley K, Glassman SD, Bydon M. Patient characteristics of smokers undergoing lumbar spine surgery: an analysis from the Quality Outcomes Database. Journal of neurosurgery. Spine. 2017 Dec;27(27). 661-669.
Vasquez RA, Chotai S, Freeman TH, Kay HF, Cheng JS, McGirt MJ, Devin CJ. Impact of Discharge Disposition on 30-Day Readmissions Following Elective Spine Surgery. Neurosurgery. 2017 Nov 1;81(81). 772-778.
Chotai S, Zuckerman SL, Parker SL, Wick JB, Stonko DP, Hale AT, McGirt MJ, Cheng JS, Devin CJ. Healthcare Resource Utilization and Patient-Reported Outcomes Following Elective Surgery for Intradural Extramedullary Spinal Tumors. Neurosurgery. 2017 Oct 1;81(81). 613-619.
McGirt MJ, Bydon M, Archer KR, Devin CJ, Chotai S, Parker SL, Nian H, Harrell FE, Speroff T, Dittus RS, Philips SE, Shaffrey CI, Foley KT, Asher AL. An analysis from the Quality Outcomes Database, Part 1. Disability, quality of life, and pain outcomes following lumbar spine surgery: predicting likely individual patient outcomes for shared decision-making. Journal of neurosurgery. Spine. 2017 Oct;27(27). 357-369.
Asher AL, Devin CJ, Archer KR, Chotai S, Parker SL, Bydon M, Nian H, Harrell FE, Speroff T, Dittus RS, Philips SE, Shaffrey CI, Foley KT, McGirt MJ. An analysis from the Quality Outcomes Database, Part 2. Predictive model for return to work after elective surgery for lumbar degenerative disease. Journal of neurosurgery. Spine. 2017 Oct;27(27). 370-381.
Kim EJ, Chotai S, Archer KR, Bydon M, Asher AL, Devin CJ. Need for Two-Year Patient-Reported Outcomes Score for Lumbar Spine Surgery Is Procedure-Specific: Analysis From a Prospective Longitudinal Spine Registry. Spine. 2017 Sep 1;42(42). 1331-1338.
Chotai S, Sivaganesan A, Parker SL, Wick JB, Stonko DP, McGirt MJ, Devin CJ. Effect of Complications within 90 Days on Cost Per Quality-Adjusted Life Year Gained Following Elective Surgery for Degenerative Lumbar Spine Disease. Neurosurgery. 2017 Sep 1;64(64). 157-164.
Mummaneni PV, Bisson EF, Kerezoudis P, Glassman S, Foley K, Slotkin JR, Potts E, Shaffrey M, Shaffrey CI, Coric D, Knightly J, Park P, Fu KM, Devin CJ, Chotai S, Chan AK, Virk M, Asher AL, Bydon M. Minimally invasive versus open fusion for Grade I degenerative lumbar spondylolisthesis: analysis of the Quality Outcomes Database. Neurosurgical focus. 2017 Aug;43(43). E11.
Chotai S, Wright PW, Hale AT, Jones WA, McGirt MJ, Patt JC, Devin CJ. Does Intrawound Vancomycin Application During Spine Surgery Create Vancomycin-Resistant Organism? Neurosurgery. 2017 May 1;80(80). 746-753.