New Office of Inclusion Initiatives and Cultural Competence to promote cultural inclusivity, awareness
Tina Smith tapped to head Office of Inclusion Initiatives and Cultural Competence at VU.
In light of the university’s strategic commitment to fostering a diverse and inclusive campus community, students and university leaders are having more conversations about how to ensure a campus environment that embraces and respects all forms of racial, cultural, gender and religious identity or expression and sexual orientation.
Chancellor calls diversity and inclusion most important issue
Three new chairs promoting diversity and inclusion mark the start of a significant new effort at Vanderbilt University, said Chancellor Nicholas S. Zeppos during his bi-annual address to the Faculty Assembly.
“If Vanderbilt does not address issues of diversity, inclusion and culture, and [instead] acts like everything is just fine, it will fail as an institution,” Zeppos told a standing-room-only crowd of faculty in the Student Life Center on Aug. 27.
Opening Doors: Contemporary African American Academic Surgeons
From April 13 to May 22, 2015, the Eskind Biomedical Library is proud to host "Opening Doors: Contemporary African American Academic Surgeons," a traveling exhibit from the National Library of Medicine. This exhibit celebrates the history of black surgeons and black medical institutions, as well as current and future trailblazers in the field.
National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute director to speak Feb. 25
Gary Gibbons, M.D., director of the National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute (NHLBI), will deliver a special cardiology grand rounds on Wednesday, Feb. 25.
His lecture, entitled “Charting Our Future Together: Setting an Agenda for the NHLBI,” begins at noon in 208 Light Hall. Boxed lunches will be served.