News Announcements

Interventional Radiology Interest Group Gains Momentum

Interventional Radiology is gaining momentum among medical students at Vanderbilt University School of Medicine.  On September 10th, over 25 students from VUSM attended the 2nd annual introductory Interventional Radiology Interest group meeting.  Organized by PhD to MD students, Mary Ellen Koran and Jennifer Watchmaker, residents and attendin

Residents vs. Faculty Basketball Game

The 1st Annual Residents vs. Attendings basketball championship took place Sunday September 7th 2014 at the Abramson Pavilion.  The championship game stipulations were set to a 4 vs. 4 matchup on the hardtop.  Game to 11 points by 1’s, with “make it take it” rules in effect. 

Sign Up for Annual Lead Shielding Inspections

Vanderbilt’s Department of Radiology and Radiological Sciences will provide annual lead shielding inspections of lead-lined aprons, vests, skirts/kilts, thyroid collars, gonadal shields, gloves and vinyl-type mobile shields every Thursday from Oct. 2 to Dec. 11, from 3:30 to 9 p.m. The Tennessee Department of Health and Environment, Radiological Health Division, requires personal protective lead shielding be inspected. The Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations and Vanderbilt require they be inspected visually and fluoroscopically each year.

Radiology Hires Chief of Finance and Administration, Rich Pierce

"After an extensive national search, I am pleased to announce that Richard Pierce, MBA, CMPE will be joining the Department of Radiology and Radiological Sciences as our new Chief of Finance and Administration (CFA)," said Dr. Reed Omary, Chair of the department. "This position will help align the hospital and medical school sides of Vanderbilt Radiology. Rich will transition into this role with the help of Jim Patton, PhD, our current Vice Chair of Finance."

Radiology Finding May Aid Recovery from Spinal Cord Injury

Researchers in the Vanderbilt University Institute of Imaging Science (VUIIS) have achieved the first conclusive non-invasive measurement of neural signaling in the spinal cords of healthy human volunteers. Their technique, described today in the journal eLife, may aid efforts to help patients recover from spinal cord injuries and other disorders affecting spinal cord function, including multiple sclerosis.