News Announcements

The Role of Interventional Oncology in Hepatocellular Carcinoma

Interventional oncology has been called the fourth pillar of oncology—teaming up with medical oncology, surgical oncology, and radiation oncology disciplines in the fight against cancer. Recent data, reported in this supplement, suggest that interventional oncologic treatments for hepatocellular carcinoma can shrink tumors, relieve painful symptoms, improve quality of life, and potentially extend survival in patients who cannot be treated effectively with other approaches.

Vice-Chair of Radiology Meranze named to new Faculty Affairs role

“I am delighted [to announce] that Dr. Meranze will join Dr. Penn and me in the Office of Faculty Affairs. Steve has earned wide respect among leaders at VUMC for his effectiveness as chair of the VUH credentials committee and for his thoughtful handling of faculty affairs matters within the department of Radiology and Radiological Sciences,” Raiford said. "Meranze brings considerable strengths and experience to the Office of Faculty Affairs."

Powers helped launch ‘NightHawk’ Imaging Service

Vanderbilt’s Thomas Powers, M.D., has learned to see exceptionally well in the dark. Powers, associate professor of Radiology and Radiological Sciences and clinical director of Emergency Radiology, provides nighttime imaging coverage for Vanderbilt University Medical Center and the Emergency Department (ED).

Dr. Harold Thompson Honored with R. Michael Rodriguez Award

  Dr. Harold Thompson, Professor of Clinical Radiology and Chief of Medical Imaging at the VA, was awarded the prestigious R. Michael Rodriguez Award for Teaching Medical Students, Residents and/or Fellows in the Clinical Setting by Jeff Balser, M.D., Ph.D., vice chancellor for Health Affairs and dean of the School of Medicine, at the Spring Faculty Meeting on May 28.