Adult Scales and User Guide

The Vanderbilt Fatigue Scale-Adult (VFS-A) is designed to assess listening-related fatigue in adults 18 years and older. There are two versions of the scales: 1) a 40-item scale typically used for research purposes and 2) a 10-item scale appropriate for clinical or research use. The scales are freely available for clinical and research use and can be downloaded below. For more information about administration and scoring, please download and review the Quick Guide. 



Vanderbilt Fatigue Scale -Adult Quick User Guide

Adult woman smiling and writing 

   Vanderbilt Fatigue Scale-10-Item Adult      (VFS-A-10)

For clinical or research use

Vanderbilt Fatigue Scale-Adult 10-item Version (English)

adult writing   

Vanderbilt Fatigue Scale-40-Item Adult        (VFS-A-40)

Primarily for research use 

Vanderbilt Fatigue Scale-Adult 40-item Version (English)

Translated Adult Scales

For detailed documentation of the translation process used to develop each translated scale, see the corresponding reconciliation report on the Translating the VFS page (Completed Scale Translation Collaborations block).


  • VFS-A-10 Chinese version  (If the web version does not appear clean, download the document and open it in Adobe Reader for optimal viewing).
  • VFS-A-40 Chinese version  (If the web version does not appear clean, download the document and open it in Adobe Reader for optimal viewing).