Pediatric Perioperative Leadership

Administrative Director of Surgical Services

  • LeighAnn Chadwell

    Interim Associate Nursing Officer Perioperative and Procedural Services, Pediatric Trauma, Injury Prevention, and Project Adam

Administrative Support

Advanced Practice/PATCH/Pain

  • Jill Kinch

    Director of Advanced Practice for Monroe Carell Jr. Children’s Hospital 
  • Kim Isenberg

    Advanced Practice, Surgical and Sedation Services, Pediatric Hematology/Oncology
  • Beth Bass

    APRN Team Lead
    Preoperative Assessment and Teaching for Children's Hospital (PATCH)/Pediatric Anesthesia

Anesthesia Technicians

Catheterization & Electrophysiology Lab

Endoscopy Lab

Holding Room/PACU/Radiology Recovery

Nurse Educators

Operating Room

Vanderbilt Children's Surgery Center, Murfreesboro